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CHIKAO FROWNED LIGHTLY as he walked into the room. 17 People were standing nervously in the large room which had a round table in the middle with 3 remaining phones. 20 Players were the maximum, possibly scoring out diamonds and clubs, meaning the game would be a heart game or a spade. Observing the game was always important.

There was also a collar lying on the table however, making the chances shift over to the hearts side.

Chikao had entered the borderland two years ago, working solo in the first year before joining the beach in the second, quickly making his way up to the executives. He honestly didn't know how he had made it so far through but he didn't care. He knew that it was life or death and if you asked him, he would choose to live rather than be a lifeless body on the ground that everybody gawked at, especially if they were a new player.

Taking the phone, he looked into it before facing the familiar white screen. Please wait untiil the game commences. There are currently 18 participants. 2 Minutes until registration closes.

Chikao hummed as he also took a collar, bringing it up to his neck where he heard the whirring sound. The sound of the metal letting him know that it was on properly.

"Hey... What game would we play?" A male asked nervously to the silent room. "I... I've just arrived today... With my sister." He added, his sister nodding beside him.

Chikao hummed as the rest of the room was silent, all of them ignoring them and leaving their questions unanswered. "Someone, answer me please! Someone said it was to do with death... We don't want to die."


"I'll tell you." Chikao's voice came out sickly sweet. "It's a game where we have to survive. They give us a card of a number and a suit and tell us the rules. It's completely random so it's fair."

Chikao's speciality was manipulation which was why the beach often set him out as often as they could in order to try and encounter a heart card. Honestly, he didn't mind as heart cards often had a simple solution. A solution that was mixed with logic and Psychology. Everyone had made out heart games to be more difficult but Chikao knew what they were truely like.

The boy nodded eagerly as he absorbed the information before bowing. "Thank you, Sir!"

"Just call me Chikao." He nodded as he looked back at his phone. "Registration is now closed. There are a total of 18 participants. The game will
now commence." The robotic voice said. "Game, 'Who is it'." The name of the game flashed across the phone as the card came into view, Chikao grinning slightly when he saw it. 9 of hearts. That would be a challenge.

"Difficulty, Nine of hearts." The voice continued on.

The room's aura became tense as they saw the suit and the number that came along it. The beach members that came with Chikao shuffled their feet. One or two of them had been in a hearts game and luckly survived but with Chikao in the game with them, they knew that they stood no chance. He had been through 4 heart games.

"I can't do this!" An middle-aged woman cried out, rushing out, attempting to get out the room but as soon as she stepped foot outside the door, a laser struck her down, making her fall limp and collapse. Chikao just raised an eyebrow at the woman's mistake while the others stayed in their positions, shocked.

"Rule, There will be a liar each round and the rest of you will be the detectives. The Liar will be allowed to kill someone each round and the detectives will have to vote out who it is. The liar will change each round and therefore, if the detectives choose the wrong person, the person who is chosen will be eliminated along with another person at random. However, if the liar is guessed correctly, only the liar will die on that round. This will continue until there are only two players left, where the players will have to face in a chase.

Violence is restricted for each round except where it is tolerated in the chase. Those who break this rule will recieve a GAME OVER.

Weapons are to not be used or handled except during the last round. Those who bring them into the game arena will recieve a GAME OVER.

Visa days will be taken off during the game giving no guarantee of surviving.

Clear Condition
Make it to the last round and survive the chase where one of you will be given a role of Mouse and the other will be given the Cat role. The cat is to chase the mouse where hand-to-hand combat is allowed, strictly no weapons and the mouse is to run away, taking defence with weapons.

Time limit: Infinite."

Everyone tensed within hearing the time limit while a man started to panic. "Visa... Visa days... Taken off?" He questioned shakily. "I'm on my last day."

Another woman nodded in agreement while the two exchanged nervous looks.

"What... What about us?" The girl with her brother stuttered. "We've just... We don't have a... Visa yet. We've just arrived."

Chikao grinned as he clapped his hands together. "In that case, I'll happily let you borrow some of my days! I've still got 6 days left. Two for you and two for your brother!" Let the manipulation start.

Chikao knew that transferring Visa days were impossible, but who were they to know that? Knowing the game, they wouldn't take the Visa days off of new players, simply the older ones who had an advantage to the game because they knew what was happening. One thing about the games was they they always tried to ensure that players were equal in fairness.

Chikao didn't even know how many Visa days he had left. Probably a good twenty amount of days which he didn't care about. It was just ensuring another 20 days which he could live through. Give or Take.

One of the beach members frowned. "You can't give any Visa days out. Hatter would of told us."

Chikao turned around to look at the beach member, his smile didn't fade but his eyes showed fire and annoyance. "You. Your name's Rei, right? You're not an executive are you though?" He narrowed his eyebrows. "There are times where the Hatter will only give out the information to the executives. Completely valid times as well. It's not exactly necessary to give out this information to you folks, is there?" Underneath his sweet nature was naturally a person who didn't care if someone lived or died. Perhaps there was an exception of a few people though.

"The liars will get a small electric zap from their collars at the start of a new round to let people know that they are the Liar." A door swung open from the small room as everyone looked at it with curiosity. "The game will now commence. Please make your way to the other room where the game will start."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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