Part one**Her Return**

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In a town called Atuis there lived a family who didn't have any child since they were married. Rumors spread about them and it wasn't good news at all. Almer, the wife of Enimut was worried and often pondered if her husband would leave her as it was already 8 yrs since they were married.....

One day as Almer was alone in her house carrying out her usual choirs, she was really  exausted, the work wouldn't take of itself. As she moved along the corridor, she felt an odd presence though she was alone in the house. Not knowing what it was she turned around, slight wind brushed her shoulder and she heard something whisper into her ears form behind her, then she quickly turned the other way but saw nothing....."what exactly is going on" she said, but, pushed it aside as it being just her imagination or something.
Later that night the sky was bloody red and dusty. Enimut wasn't back home and she was both worried and scared. Frustrated, but not knowing what to do, she decided to go to bed and lay her head but upon entering the room, she felt a presence again and this time it was way stronger than the previous "Lord what could this be...I could swear I'm alone at home and....." Raising her head from the bed she scanned through the room not certified as to what she was searching for, her head moved gently making sure she didn't miss any angle, she stopped as she saw a shadow from the mirror, quickly she got up and picked up a flash light...then slowly, she turned towards the direction which she had seen the figure but there was nothing . "What!.", she said in shock but whisper as though she didn't want someone to hear her. She was confused and scared but what could she do, moving  towards the bed again she heard a crash as though something had fallen, point the light to the direction in which she heard sound she moved carefully towards the unknown, the worst part was that the night wasn't friendly as well, owl were howling. She began hearing whispers but she couldn't find anyone, her head was spinning it sounded like she was being warned but couldn't get the information rightly, falling to the floor she covered her ears firmly, as the climax increased and the situation was becoming tense
.....she heard a loud knock on the door, bolting in a hurry with mixed feeling of hope and fear.... reaching the door her hands felt stive as though it was being held, Almer managed to speak "who's there?....honey is that you?", there was no response, she asked again but no one responded, the harsh knock on the door still continued.
She decided to open the door though aware of the supposed danger, but her curiosity was as a hungry dog which needed to be satisfied, she needed to find out who it was behind the door 🚪. She opened the door but to her surprise it was an old woman. Her face suddenly went pale, she felt a sudden impulse to slam the door but as she did the old woman held the door back and gave her a weird smile. Almer was frightened but amazed at the strength the woman in front of her possessed as she was too strong for someone of her age. They both stared at each other like they were communicating but  in an unknown manner.... "Wha.. what do you want ma?." Almer managed to break the ice..." oh! Dear, nothing that wo... would cost mu...much, just shelter for a poor soul." The lady responded still smiling. Almer was confused as she didn't know what to do. " Ehmmm..." Almer didn't find the right words to say " Please don't re...refuse me this day...the night isn't friendly and I've lost my way an they say this is the weak shouldn't walk alone in the dark night and this torments me , do you wish that I perish.....", saying this she slowly made her way into the house and began to scan the house with a weird expression on her face, Almer was in shock as she didn't even realize how the lady managed to get in. "So....are you alone", the woman asked as she turned to look at terrified Almer, " mean yes... I'm alone" Almer responded still stammering on her words, the old lady laughed then spoke "....hahaha...there's no need to be scared...I don't harm people so're not alone, something else is in here too...where's he?... your husband, not back yet.." " How do you know I have a husband, we haven't haven't met before have we?....and what do you mean by u don't harm people so often?.." Almer asked puzzled. The old woman didn't respond to her but just moved towards the place Almer saw the figure earlier...She whispered something in an ancient manner and from thin air a knife appeared turning to Almer she said "let's make this quick, you seem like a nice person and I don't have all night...follow me would you". Almer didn't move, not even an inch, the old lady turned towards her again then repeated harshly "I said follow me" her voice echoed. Wondering were the knife came from Almer gradually step back with the aim of finding a place to hide but the doors were tight shut, there was no escape root now. The old laugh triumphantly then gestured for Almer  to come along, not knowing what to do, she just followed the lady silently and secretly prayed for her life.

The room felt thinner for Almer, it was darker than before....a lot went through her mind 'where's my husband?, who's this lady?, what does she want with me?......' in the midst of her thought the old lady responded " Don't ask too much question dear " She turned to look at Almer who was stunned "wh..what", " I can hear you and you don't want to know any of the questions which you asked", she held Almer hand tightly and began to pierce Almer with the knife, Almer tried screaming but couldn't make a sound, she cried silently....all her effort to escape from the lady's grip was in vain. The old hag  continued with her act, inflicting pain on Almer, then she said in a hush tune "But to allow you a peaceful death.....I'll disclose the where about of your husband.... He is here and has always been." " Mmmm...Dea...dead...What do you mean " Almer responded in pains though bearly able to speak, " I killed your husband and it's his presence that has been watching you, now is your turn " saying this she pushed Almer to the ground and raised the 🔪 knife, she turned into a disgusting figure Almer then realized that the person in her house was a ghost and not any kind of ghost but the old woman who no one knew where she was from or how she came about, all this was a mystery... But that wasn't important now, Almer knew she won't be able to escape and she knew she was dead already.... The old woman's wicked laughter echoed and distorted Almer's thought and before she knew, the knife pierced through her throat.
The woman continued stabbing her brutally, then said something in ancient language and sucked  Almer's blood and with a bloody face she kept laughing horrifyingly, it sent cold chill through one's spine.....

"And that's why from that day, whenever the sky was bloody and dusty....No one was to receive any visitor or be seen outside"
Marta said concluding her story she was narrating to Alhander
"That's lame" Alhander said.....
"It's not even real" "Well you never know, one just have to take precautions " Marta replied. "Hmmm! when does the sky get bloody and dusty?." Alhander asked, "No one can really tell......" Marta responded, then stood up and left to continue with preparing the evenings meal. Alhander sat the pondering if there tale she just heard was true and why people said she's related to this old lady.

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