Part two**Finally a Clue**

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Alhander got up from the chair which she sat...."Why do people call me strange and why do they say I'm related to this old lady....I have to find out...somehow...." She said almost whispering, Marta turned to Alhander and asked "Were you talking to me?..." " Oh no....I wasn't" Alhander responded, Marta continued setting the plates for  dinner....Then said "Dinner would be ready soon", Alhander nodded and went back to her room.
*Marta is Alhander sister, she's about 23 yrs of age....she the one who takes care of Alhander as their parents are both dead... Their mom passed away after giving birth to Alhander and their dad died soon after for an unknown cause. Since then it's been Marta who took care of Alhander. Alhander is 14 yrs old*

Opening a small briefcase 💼, Alhander frantically searched for something, still not sure of what she wanted to find, she pushed the briefcase away in frustration and the content of the bag was littered on the floor.... "How am I going to get any clue", she began picking up the things which were on the floor, putting them back to it's original position, suddenly she paused.... She spotted a red paper on the floor "Hmm... what do we have here" she said picking up the paper then going through it, she smiled as if she had just won the lottery. She was awaken by the call of her sister.... She hurriedly hid the paper, packed the other things from the floor and placed the briefcase under her bed then went to meet her sister who was already seated waiting for Alhander...
They ate their meal in an odd silence, Marta became concerned
"Alhander is anything wrong, you know you could always talk to me, right?" not actually seeking response.... Alhander gave her a reassuring smile then spoke "Nothing sister" Marta wasn't convinced by her words as she knew her sister way to well, the sister she knew word never be so reserved, but rather ask a lot of questions "Are u sure? you usua..."Marta became more concerned. "I'm fine" Alhander replied rather to quickly, realizing this she adjusted then repeated "Marta, believe me I'm good, nothing is wrong with me, I just guessed you're tired and I decided not to bother you....that's all" she saw that Marta wasn't still falling for her tales "But prepare yourself because tomor....row.....I won't allow you such a rear privilege" say this the sisters laughed. The table went silent again and that how it stayed till they departed to bed  after bidding themselves a blissful night.
Alhander, on her bed with the red paper in her right hand thought of a plan for her to leave the house.....she planned all the sceneriors in her head, careful placing the paper away and fell fast asleep. Marta came to check up on her then she too went to bed.

The morning was bright, the air was fresh and birds humming and soaring the blue sky....Alhander was already awake, she was lost in her business that she didn't realize when Marta came into the room. Marta careful watched Alhander trying to figure out what her little sister was up to. She moved closer to her, feeling that someone was beside her, she turned and was startled to find her sister next to her, drifting away...."When did you come here" Alhander asked "I've been here for sometime now" Marta responded "So what are you up to now....Still trying to get more information about the old lady?"
Alhander didn't respond for a while then shock her head to say no. Marta knew something was off but she didn't say any other thing, she looked at her sister for a while then shook her head and left. Alhander hived a sigh of relief then packed up her belongings,she went to have morning meal. Alhander ate as though she was in a hurry, standing up for her chair she pick up her bag pack and ran towards the door 🚪 "where are you off to Alhander?..." Marta shouted but Alhander just responded bluntly "I'll be back, Love you...byee" Marta became really worried 'Why did her byee sound weird what's this odd feeling' she thought and clutched to her chest then sighed.

Walking with the red paper in hand she frantically looked round the environment then back at the paper "He's supposed to be here" she said in a low tone "Hello........Anyone here..." the only responds she received was her voice which echoed bouncing back at her. The place seemed abandoned, it was a house with cracked wall and crawling insects almost everywhere, it had an offensive odour that made Alhander block her nose couple of times and was really dusty. She was confused, why did the map lead her here or was she wrong....did she misread the map or was it just a prank probably being played by the kids who usually made fun of her. All these questions went through her head, scratching her head she tried reading the map again but this time yet she couldn't make anything out of it. Opening several doors she kept calling out though not sure who she was expecting to respond to her, she was losing hope..."Ahhhhh......." she screamed, Alhander got upset "Where could he be?" She said in frustration hitting the door nearly opposite to her. It all happened so quickly, the door swung open and Alhander was tumbling on the stairs hitting head head on the wall she sighed in pains, severally she tried to get up but was too dizzy, her eyes slowly closed, before everything went blank she heard footsteps coming towards her and felt someone holding her head up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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