Chapter 4

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Jang Suchan leaned in, propping his chin on the other man's shoulders, exhaling an exasperated sigh beside his ear whilst his black antenna dangled.

Breeder puts the massive amputated stinger down, though still rubbing at the barbs. "What, are you dissapointed or something?" He knew the answer to his own question, and that sets Suchan off.

"Of course, yes. Couldn't you be more creative?"

"This is as creative as it can get."

"I can see why you're the failure of your family now."

"What do y- nevermind." He sighed. If Phil is here, he'll probably tease Breeder a bit— knowing the man also teases him for always heavily exhaling when Suchan is near.

There's a vague 'See?' marking itself on Breeder's mind. With Phil's writing. Permanent marker.

That piece of leaf.

Then, Suchan spoke up again. "Trust me on this, i've got a point. You're getting monotone and predictable as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if, at this point, N.E.S.T will figure out who's Stray Dogs and who's Pet Shop."

"No, whatever are you saying."

They bickered. All the whilst the Predators and feed-trained subjects are *still* awaiting further orders.

It's been... How many was it. 14 minutes or so.

All because of Mikael's "boring" execution, atleast in Suchan's eyes. Mikael got thrown into a laboratory, bada vroom bada boom, got eaten alive.

"Okay, so what do you propose." It's a demand more than anything.

"I don't know, throw 'em to the Orcas." It's... a demand more than anything.

Then, Breeder's sarcastic remark came. "Oh. I don't know. I don't think Orcas eat insects. What do we do if they die and leave our precious rocks."

The Leader interjected with a dull tone, "Half-insects." In which he instantly got shushed by everyone in the field.

Most  in the area were on fire. Ferocious teeths ocmpletely tearing the flesh and bones— leaving nothing to be taken for their grave.

Most of the suddenly-panicked feed-trained subjects ended up getting crushed anyway. Too slow.

Crunch. Monster teeth clanked against eachother. Crunch. Devouring the flesh and bone of lowly insects. Crunch. It's a lucky day to be alive. Crunch. The lowly insects in all-black are coming.


"Time to get back to work,


Green hair flows smoothly in the air, purple eyes crinkled at the sight outside, white cape flowing— nearly being swept away by the wind and carried to god knows where.

Today's a lucky day to be alive.

Lee Bidan inhaled deeply, her face and body language conveying that she's feeling quite euphoric today.

Not a surprise, everyone in the Pet Shop's have waited for so long. Including her, no doubt. She's been so patient. Breeder's been so patient. Everyone's been so... patient.

Enforcing control by brute forcing through would be so great of a way to release stress at this time around, the armored ground cricket girl of the Predator once said.

Bidan begs to differ, though. She prefers to watch as they slowly fall into the pits of despair, haha.

Like now.

All Professors are currently off-guard. All in their respective places, including Professor Ma. Working, talking, on the phone, all that.

All the while not knowing of what's about to happen in just a few minutes.

For now, she grabbed a syringe, she is to stay pur.

Jang Suchan whistled— well, atleast, in his heart. He never thought this information was actually real.

No actually, let's be real, that one's a lie. He expected it to work, until the very end.

Shimmering blue reflected in his green eyes, bubbles forming in the water as he exhales a relieved breath.

One of his hand extends out to lightly trace the blue ambers under the sea. A small, smile on his face.

He soon swim back up.

Breeder won't accept failure, he's too smart for his N.E.S.T's good.

N.E.S.T are only held together by twigs, filled with gaps and holes— as a Jale Seigneur in the Webtoon comment section chapter 40 season 2 once said.

His grin widened. Was it out of happiness or something else? He, himself, doesn't know, really.

One thing Suchan is sure of, the beasts inside of Suchan are quiet nowadays.

It's a good change.

He could only hope it'll stay that way for a long time. Even better, if they'll stay quiet for a lifetime.

Once he came outside of the waters, he shoots a flare gun. Emitting green smoke out of it.

Breeder jumped down to join him.

"Go, evacuate." Jaesong urged the pregnant woman and her son, keeping his tone as gentle as possible. Don't want 'em to run away from him instead.

His entire body's already blacker than the pill milipide's exoskeleton.

Well, thankfully everything's going as intended. Most of the civilians are evacuated to safe places.

Places, yes. Place(s). Separate places. #6 and #8 are doing their thing as usual. #1... Who knows about that person. They've yet to be revealed. #3, San... Eh. She's somewhere, he doesn't know where but she's somewhere. #7, Huijin Park was... Simultaneously speeding up the process and reminiscing her dragonfly friend.

... Jaesong doesn't know who the hell this Jang-Su is, but he's sure the guy is so much of a gentleman— Huijin that got cannibalized by him still wants him back and that's really a big deal, considering her personality.

Also, they're all being evacuated not because there's intruders or anything— just that they suspected that Pet Shop would invade them.


Oh, he jinxed it.

Something bad happened. But not in N.E.S.T, no. It's happening outside of N.E.S.T.

It's happening in the city.

And the problem's coming from the skies.

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