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The door of the hospital room burst open and the person was


Author's POV

Yn was shocked by their entry but happy too she was seeing her uncle and aunt after 5-6 years and that too in this state

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Yn was shocked by their entry but happy too she was seeing her uncle and aunt after 5-6 years and that too in this state.

Her uncle and aunt came to her worry was visible on their faces .

Uncle : how are you baby?? ( He said while holding her hand  between his both hands )

Yn : I'm okay uncle ( she said while smiling towards her uncle)

then she looked at her aunt she saw her aunt badly trying to control her tears

Yn : oh my aunt why are you crying look I'm okay pls don't cry. ( She said trying to console her aunt )

Aunt : how can I not cry when I see my only daughter in this state. ( She Said while crying badly )

Uncle : baby leave all this where is your mom does she know about your accident??

Before yn can answer Dr. spoke gaining their attention.

Dr. : we tried calling her mom , dad , oppa's and unnies but no one picked up at last we got your no. On her phone and thankfully we were able to contact you.

After listening to Dr. Uncle and aunt were a little disappointed with Yn's mother but also confused that who is dad , oppa's and unnies because Yn's mom didn't told them about her second marriage.

Uncle: yn who is this dad ??

Yn : it's a long story uncle I will tell you later.

Yn : Dr. When can I get discharged??

Dr. : you are very weak right now so you have to stay today tomorrow morning we will do some tests and if reports are normal then you can leave tomorrow evening. And yeah you should rest now and if you want you both can stay with her for the night.

He left after saying that and uncle and aunt both decided to stay with her only.

Aunt : baby now tell us what happened.
( She said in serious tone)

Then yn told everything that happened with her after she was done she looked at her uncle and aunt to see them fuming in anger .

Uncle : I'm not going to let it go I will make sure they all pay for this especially your mom .
( He said while gritting his teeth)

Yn : no uncle pls leave it talking about them hurts me more I do not want to talk about them anymore nor I want to see them . Leave it bcuz I'm sure they will get to know the truth one day .

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