-Dear Pope Heyward.

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John B was already asleep in his room as I heard him snoring. Meanwhile Jj was laying down on the couch drool dripping down his face, since he was already half asleep. "Night Jay." I said softly before  ruffling his hair as he mumbled goodnight.

As i entered my room I closed the door sighing against the door. Today was a quiet night at the chateau. The boys surprising fell asleep early. And me? I.. I was just lost in thought.

Pope Heyward.

Yes that boy was on my mind. My best friend since the 3rd grade. Probably the smartest kid I know. He's a good friend. He'll give you honest yet good advice. But at the same time he's an anxious freak.

He's our golden boy.

What else can I say? I walked over to the little desk that sat in the corner of my room, grazing my fingertips on the pieces of paper. As I sat down on the chair I picked up a pencil from the desk, labeling the date in the corner.

"Dear Pope.." I wrote.

Ew no.

"Hola Popey."

Omg, cringe alert.

"Hey best friend."

No, definitely no.

"To the love of my life..."

I crumpled the paper throwing it to the floor. As I buried my head into my hands I let out a groan filled with frustration.

"Hey, Mr Heyward."

Gross. I sound like a kook.

Minutes and minutes passed as I soon was in a pothole of crumpled paper. I looked around the room that looked like kids had played dodge ball with these crumpled paper balls.  

I groaned leaning back on my chair questioning whether or not this was a stupid idea. It probably was. But no. My stubborn ass self, told me to continue.  

I grabbed a piece of paper for the millionth time as I dragged a pen in my fingers.

"Dear Pope Heyward."

I stared at those three words for a good while minute.

It doesn't sound that bad...

I continued writing the pen dancing along the paper.

"You been my best friend since forever."

What the hell do I write?

"Since the third grade to be exact. You give me awesome fucking advice. You're sweet, kind smart.."

Why does this gotta be so damn hard?

"I'm just going to get straight to the point here. I think.."

I paused and stopped writing.

I think..

"I think I might have been in love with you ever since the third grade. I know you're probably in love with Evin. I mean well.. she's in love with you too. And I know you may be saying that I'm probably in love with Trey. But I think I'm just forcing myself to like him."

As a distraction from you.

"I still don't know why I'm writing this damn letter. If I didn't it felt like I would have burst."

A few tears that I didn't even know were there fell on the paper.

"I don't know if you love me."

More tears fell.

"Maybe im just delusional."

I signed it off with Emily Maybank.

I'm so dumb.

I didn't even get to write all that I wanted.

I knew I was on the edge of tears. I grabbed that paper going into the chateaus backyard and lighting it on fire. I watched as it burned to ashes.

I'm just a silly little girl lost in love.

I smashed my foot on the ashes making sure nothing was left. That's when it happened.

Tears fell.

I walked inside the chateau seeing Jj  awake on the coach. I could tell he knew it was me. I could tell he knew I was crying.

I let out a quiet yelp. He sat up on the couch signaling for me to come sit with him. I sat next to him as he hugged me tightly. I cried into the crook of my neck.

The blonde boy might have not knew what was wrong but he knew I was broken.

He knew that , that bottle filled up with pain and worries bursted into a waterfall.

I sat there crying in his arms.

I'm just a dumb blonde, lost .. lost in love.

Jm sorry Pope..

A/N: it's short Ik. But it's just the beginning. Hope you enjoyed <3

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