Secret Partner • ✓

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"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Fredward? or Badlinu?" A person with (hair colour and length) and mesmerizing (eye colour) asked.

"Freddie! Someone's looking for you" Aimsey shouted. Heavy footsteps were heard before finally Fredward, or Badlinu, or Freddie was seen looking up from his phone and made eye contact with the person in front of him.

Freddie widens his eyes in shocl as the person only smiled fondly at them. He lunged towards the person, engulfing them into a hug. "(Your name) I can't believe your here!" Freddie exclaimed as he looks at his lover lonvingly. (Y/N) smiles up to him before facing his friends and introduced themselves. "Hi, my name is (Your name)."

Freddie's friends look at him questionably. He grinned, his smile reaching ear to ear "Everyone, meet my lover or partner. (Your name). My Secret Partner" Freddie smiles.


Please read Author's note at the beginning of the book before continuing thank you!

Started: July 19, 2022
Ended: March 13, 2023


An alarm goes off. A person with dark brown hair fading into (H/C) groans out loud and checks their phone to check the time.

Thursday, 23 October 2021

They groaned again, before standing up from their bed and fixing it neatly. They head to the bathroom to take a shower and get changed, they did their skincare before making their way sluggishly into the kitchen to see what they can eat and brew up some (hot chocolate/coffee).

After looking, they decided to just go with (the breakfast you want).

Suddenly their phone began to ring. Looking lazily into their phone, they made out a few words with half lidded eyes.

Mahal ko❤️
(Translation: My love)

Is calling

Answer <---------> Decline

With eyes widening, they began to scramble around out of panic.
Quickly pressing the answer button a familiar voice began to speak. "Good morning my darling!" The voice greeted. "Good morning too my love, hang on let me just finish up what I'm cooking" (Y/N) answered.  "Alright then!" The voice cheerily answered once more.

"Alright.. I'm finally done!" (Y/N) announces. Quickly finishing up. They began to eat their breakfast while talking to their Lover, Fredward or Freddie, also known as that famous british streamer online, Badlinu. "OW THat is still hot.." (Y/N) complained placing down the (spoon/fork/whatever utensil you used according to your breakfast) with their tongue out. Freddie in return chuckled at
(Y/N)'s shenanigans.

"So how was your day love?" (Y/N) asked as they continued eating, finally happy that the food was at a right temperature for them to eat it properly. "It went fine, however, I am in a friends house today, I'll be staying here for some time, oh! You said you wanted to be updated with the stream right? Well we'll be streaming a HUGE halloween stream on the 24th!!" Freddie explains. "Well, enough about me how are you?" Freddie asked.

Before (Y/N) could even answer, they were cut off by, Tommy, screaming. "What was that?"
(Y/N) asked concerned. "Well, that's Tommy, wonder what he's screamin' bout' hang on love" The phone then was dropped on a nearby table, as (Y/N) thought to themselves on what they could do for todays agenda.

Skip classes? Nah
Forget to pass the homework? meh
What if.. nope
Anna should do a flip-

Maybe third wheel on her and her husband again mwehehehehe-

While eating, they began to check messages and other stuff as they giggled evilly to themselves on the last thought. While they were checking their messages, they began to hear a few distant voices coming from the other line, as if it's coming near the phone. In instinct, they turned off their mic and camera just in case.

With (Y/N) thinking what they could do for the whole day, they have completely forgotten about the call. "WHO'S THAT?!" a loud voice boomed from the speakers of their phone, which they will admit, made them jump a bit.

"None of your business Tommy, please give me back my phone" "no" "Tommy, I need my phone" "Not unless you tell me who this is" "I'm not telling you anything Tommy" "Then say bye bye to your phone- OHOHOHOHO!! YOUR TALKING TO A GIRL AREN'T YOU?!" "NO I'M NOT GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE" "TUBBO!!!" "TOMMY GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE" "I SAID NO- TUBBO- I NEED YOUR HELP TU-"

call ended

call again?

yes? no?
^ ^



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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