Leslie's new room mate

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"Doctor Jimenez, i don't think this is appropriate" . Says tatiana
"Now Tatiana there was no rooms left in the female ward, besides she was the best match to be put with leslie, so there should be no problems, these budget cuts are going to be the end of us"
"we all know whats going to happen jimenez" she sighs
"Now you're catching on ! I was hoping it could possibly cure one of them." he said enthusiasticly
" They'll be great test monkeys."
" Now now don't be like that-"
" Doctor jimenez !" yelled Joseph cutting off Tatiana.
He was holding the hand of a young girl.
" Ah joseph. Tatiana come meet the girl who's staying with leslie."
"oh she's a cute one, what hell hole did you find her in, joseph?" said tatiana
" Near the park, went to hell and back to get her, she's a Wiley one. take care of her, we somewhat bonded from the car ride, isn't that right (y/n)"
she nodded. Frightened by the images her schizophrenia brought up.
" Tatiana be a dear and show her to her room and introduce her to her new room mate." smirked jimenez.
"come dear,... do you talk much?"
she nodded and spoke quietly "some i'm very shy...... but you seem alright". Tatiana unlocked the door to her new room and called in
"Leslie, You have a new room mate" she looked down at me "go on sweetie he won't bite"....
You walked in the room. Leslie was sitting on the bed. You and Leslie made eye contact. " Well i'll leave you two to it."
Leslie hobbled over to me. I thought i was suppose to be paired with a girl... I suppose not. Is... Is leslie albino? He's awfully pale, its actually somewhat cute.
"Your name is leslie?" you spoke softly
" yes. yes. yes." his voice was shaky.
" I'm (y/n)..."
"(y/n)" his voice was soft yet still shaky.
There was silence between the two for quite some time. You figured you should break the silence.
" does leslie want to be my friend...? "
he looked up from his hands and gave me the cutest smile ever.
" Friend..." he went to hug me.
His arms cascaded to my sides. He was much warmer than i thought. his hair tickled the side of my cheek, it was soft just like his pale skin. He stopped then hobbled back to his bed and sat down. i looked at my excuse for a bed and laid down... there was paper and a pencil at the end of the bed frame but nothing written. sooner than i realized i had supposedly dozed off and awoke to an eager leslie.
"play outside...play outside.."
" sure leslie let me get ready" i said still groggy . there was a mirror in the room. "my hair took damage" I whispered , i soon straightened it out along with my new outfit... I don't really remember putting it on. it was the short sleeved one. a curious leslie reflected behind me. i got scared because he wasn't the only one there.
"Huh leslie you scared me" i tucked my (h/c) behind my ear.
He giggled.
"cmon leslie lets go play outside" i grabbed his hand to my surprise he tightened his grip.
tatiana was waiting outside to walk us out to the courtyard. She guided us through the halls, i suppose we can't do anything without a nurse accompanying us.
" I'll be back out later with some drinks there's a box with some toys on the far side of the building."
i waved goodbye. I looked over to see leslie was already far gone onto the swing attached to the tree.
" (y/n) !!!, push... swing " said leslie excitedly. i dashed over to him. he smiled when i got behind him. he looked up at me and smiled, he was such a happy boy. i don't understand why he's so supposedly shy... or maybe he was faking it. oh well. i pushed harder and harder on his back. he went very high. he started slowing down and kept at a constant pace and height.
"can.... i....jump...off?" he looked back with confidence at me.
"Go ahead leslie !! keep your footing "
leslie jumped off, he stumbled at first then stuck the landing. i was so relieved. he must have tripped in a split second because i didn't realize he did until i heard a blood curdling cry.
" AHHHH (Y/N) OW" screeched leslie.
i ran over. leslie must have twisted his ankle or something. i held his hand. his grip was very tight from the pain. i noticed nurse tatiana came out running with some bandages. She must've been watching us.
" did you sprain your ankle again leslie ? " said Tatiana in a soothing voice
he nodded, tears started to swell up in the corner of his eyes from the pain. tatiana started to wrap up his swollen ankle.
"there all better.. do you want to go inside or keep playing. " said tatiana
As if synchronized me and leslie both answered no. she then got up and left. leslie started crying and had a pout on his face while he felt the swolleness.
" There there leslie, its alright" i started wiping his tears off and rubbing his back. he groaned and looked at me his soft sweet simple little eyes.
"here leslie we can still have some fun" i dragged him over to the tree so he could sit peacefully in the shade, he was much much lighter than i expected. i went over to the box and grabbed some bubbles. i unscrewed one . i gave the stick to leslie. he was completely dumbfounded.
"here leslie, like this" i blew some out and he giggled with happiness. He then blew tiny ones and got instantly happy. while he was doing that i picked some dandelions for him.
"smell" i said.
he leaned in, his nose twitched in the cutest way.
"nice...nice...nice" leslie gittered. i stuck one behind his ear, we both giggled. for the longest time all we did was blow bubbles. tatiana said after awhile it was time time to go in and shower and get ready for bed. after that ordeal was done , i was in the bed room. i was getting scared all the visions of things were terrifying, and leslie was gone... he said he usually goes to S-THERAPY right now but its been awhile. the door creaked open and an emotionless face was the only thing i saw.
"hes still dazed so try not to do anything loud alright" said tatiana
leslie sat on the bed. i couldn't believe how traumatized he was. i walked over to him and sat in front of him. His temples were red and his toes were shaking.
"Leslie ?" i asked
he whispered gently "loud...loud...loud..."
i grasped his hands... they were cold as ice. i looked up at his face, hair was dangling in his eyes. i stroked the pieces back, slightly grazing his temple. it was very hot. i gently touched them. he looked up at me with those big eyes and whimpered
"is this the only way i'll get better?"
i couldn't bare this feeling. i knew this boy for a day, yet i felt like i new him my whole lifetime. i hugged him and gently whispered in his ear
"no its not sweetie".
we soon lost time,i had gotten into my bed after he passed out. i suppose i had only rested for a few hours i couldn't remember anything at all. Except a terrible nightmare about a fire. but it must have been a night terror because when i awoke, leslie's hand was covering my mouth and he was hushing me. he then hobbled back to his bed.
"leslie", i was still groggy,"leslie was i screaming in my sleep ?" he nodded.

hours passed and niether of us went to sleep. we just starred at each other for hours. i remembered i had pencil and paper on my bed . I wrote, Hi :). i folded it into a paper airplane then threw it to his bed. he reached for it and opened it. he giggled and hobbled over with the biggest smile on his face.
" does .... does .... (y/n) want to be. be. my friend ?"
i instantaneously blushed. " best friends "

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