Leslie's newly profound love

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A couple months have passed, fall was in its midst and the connection between (y/n) and leslie was stronger than ever. The two were inseparable. There was barely any love spark between the two. and many people were surprised by that fact.
"Leslie!, (y/n)!, i have lunch" said nurse tatiana as she walked into the door
me and leslie were sitting on the floor playing go fish. it was the simplest game to leslie and he liked that, he'd often beat me and get very happy so i don't mind playing it all the time.
"here ill set this right here...( she bent over and whispered into leslies ear and he giggled, she soon walked over to me and whispered) " hes got three rainbow trout and two goldfish... i also told him you think hes cute. Good luck !"

me and leslie stare at each in awkward silence for a moment but then lost in giggles about tatiana. i taught leslie how to move his eyebrows, i somewhat regret that now. he lifted the cards up to his face barely covering his mouth but completely with his nose . and barely his eyes and did the flirty eye brow trick while smirking we both broke into giggles.

after the game was over we finally got into the food. leslie barely eats but since i came hes been eating little by little more.
"Leslie do you want potatoes?" i asked while reaching for them
"yes. yes"
it had become a thing that if we have food we feed each other i have no idea why. i think he likes the idea that im feeding him and not going to forcefully shove something down his throat. i was thinking that sooner or later i should start reading to him so he has some perspective on things.
"sayde ...-
" what leslie ?"
he pointed in his mouth for food. i had completely forgotten about the potatoes i was going to feed him. i scooped some up and gently put some in his mouth i suppose my hand was to close to the end because he licked me.
"leslie" tatiana called from outside " its raining the nice way you like"
sooner before i knew it he got up and hobbled quickly down the hall to outside. i suppose he likes rain it; rarely rains here and when it does it full on lightning. I soon followed leslie down the hall and out to the courtyard. it was a pleasant rain. i looked ahead to see leslie with his head up enjoying the rain. he looked back for a quick second.
i soon walked over by his side. he grinned more. we clasped hands and he blushed. for the longest time it was just me and him and our heads facing the rain. I loved leslie but i could never tell him, but that was good it was more of family love anyway. lying to myself. tatiana had left for some time now. it had almost looked like the rain let up. leslie looked around i dont know for what .
"Leslie...? what are you looki-" before i realized it he had his hands around my waist slightly bending down kissing my lips. his nice white hair brushed up against my forehead. his skin was so soft, his grip on my waist was so gentle. the kiss made me melt. it seemed like it lasted forever till i finally felt him pull away with a huff if his breath following.
we were both flushed terribly. the eye contact, the fluttering eyelashes. i was so dazed with confusion and overwhelmed with happiness.
leslie finally had backed up from me wobbly still. his hands were shaky and his breathing was fast paced. he started to gain more distance between us .
"Leslie , come back leslie." i held out my hand and to my surprise he did reach for it." lesli..."
"Bad...Bad....Bad... i did bad"
" No leslie it was alright to kiss me."
"Alright.. alright.... alright" he smiled .
we both began to walk inside. leslie was flushed pink and my heart was racing. we finally had reached our bed room. Leslie hobbled to his side and from under his mattress he pulled out a book . Alice In Wonderland .
"Please Read to leslie, Please read" he said
i had begun to read. leslie had made a cute little nest on my bed out of my own blankets. it had become nightfall after chapter four and i was desperately tired. i dont think i realized it but i must have passed out while leslie was awake.
When i woke up it was mid day and leslie was still sleeping sound. i looked to see my pillow, it was leslies stomach with a brown shirt on? oh yes we have to remain in our "cells" all day if we want to wear normal clothes. i had moved slightly just to get in a better position but i think i might have woke him or maybe not. he had groaned and shifted slightly. i noticed something peculiar about him since i was actually close to his face. it looked as if there were scratches around his eyes, maybe burns ? i went to lift my hands up and touch them but as soon as i got my hand close to his face he woke up. he starred at my hand in great fear, i quickly pulled back so he wouldn't be frightened.
"What... was .. sayde. doing " he asked almost horrified.
"feel" i responded gently and started to put my hand back up to his face
He almost was nervous, i couldn't tell though nothing gives that boys emotions away. i finally had lifted my hand to his face and he tensed up greatly. i had moved my thumb back and forth stroking his face, he almost was calming down. he lifted his hand up to my face and started to feel. i gave him a blank stare as if he thought i was going to do something.
i laid back down on the bed. trapped in my thoughts. that boy has no idea what love is and yet he has done many things to show love. that kiss. hmmm. maybe doctor jimenez did teach him its preposterous though, leslie can't love, but is it possible?
"(y/n) my dear ?" i heard miss tatiana say " doctor jimenez would like to see you "
" alright be right out" i readjusted my clothes. i poked leslie on the nose good bye , he always gets so flustered when i do that. " bye leslie"
"Bye.. bye... bye...." he echoed
" now (y/n) we have to take blood samples and perform tests, the usual".
after that ordeal was done i went back to my room. Leslie was no where to be found. it was night and the stars were out so i took the time to prop myself on leslie's bed; it was the closest to the tiny excuse for the barred windows . the stars looked so nice at night. i heard my door creak open.
" be careful with him (y/n) " said jimenez closing the door
leslie rushed over to me. "(y/n) i missed you" he grabbed my shoulders and slumped he looked up at me and started crying. i kissed his forehead and hushed him. " its alright leslie, what happened?"
" injection...INJECTION!!!" he started stumbling all around crashing into things. yelling and flailing his arms everywhere. he cut himself on god knows what and splattered it on me when he came back for human comfort. we had a single sink in the room attached to a mirror. i grabbed him by his good wrist and dragged him there so i could wash him off. he was frittering like hell.
"Leslie calm down, it'll be alright" the bleeding stopped. i helped leslie to his bed. we sat down facing each other. " Leslie what happened " i was watching him fiddle with his new cut and i swatted him from doing so.
"doctor jimenez, he said... said...said... i might not be able to see you again...."
" nonsense leslie we'll always be together" i layed him down on the bed. "leslie i love you, i won't let anyone take you away"
"finally...... i love.. love.. you tooo" leslie gripped my shoulders. we soon fell asleep, but when i awoke the horrid face of disgust came from leslie.
"what whats the matter?"
"face !!! face!!!!" he started cradling himself. i got up and looked in the mirror. i busted my lower lip straight down the middle, my whole chin down and some of my clothes were drenched in blood. it must have happened in the night, the blood felt dry when i washed it off.
"See Leslie, all better" he came up and felt the split. i winced, " Leslie why don't we go outside and rake the leaves and we play after"
" sure... sure..."
Ms. tatiana gave us nice rubber handled rakes and some jackets so we wouldn't get cold. me and leslie spent the half hour making a huge pile of leaves, and teasing each other. After awhile me and leslie had nothing to do so i showed him what you do after you have a leaf pile, and fall into it. after a bit of time passed while we were laying there silently leslie faced and turned to me.
" Fast.... Heart.. Fast.." he mumbles
"yes leslie that happens when you have stronge feelings towards someone.. when your in love..."
" Love ... You love me ?"
" yes i do, i have told you this, does leslie love me or was he repeating that night."
"repeating... repeating..." "but.... but.. i have feelings (y/n).."
" Do you feel warm and fuzzy when your near me and are sad when i'm gone"
"yes.. yes..."
"then leslie you are in love." i smiled at him. little did i know he went to kiss me. but he did with his soft smooth lips. then we snuggled in the crunchy pile of leaves. a little bit of time went by and tatiana called us in. She made nice tea for us. Me and leslie sat together and sipped our tea while wrapped in a cozy blanket tatianna snuck out from the closets , she really is a nice nurse.
" (y/n)... play..?"
"what game sweet heart"
" hide... and seek"
"sure." i had no idea how we were going to play. what go under the covers?
"here leslie you go first i'll hide you seek."
he started counting. damn i had no idea what to do, whether where to go.
i simple went to the other bed and hid under the overs. he finished counting. i heard footsteps
"...(y/n)...where..where.... are...you"
he crept towards me and lifted the cover up. "Found you !!!" he clapped his hands "hehe yes you did leslie!!!"
"your turn, your turn!!!"
i got up and started to count. where would leslie go. huh that boy.
"3...2....1, ready or not here i come ..."
i looked around i didn't see him. i flattened all the covers out. huhhh he must have been under the beds. i looked under the one bed. no leslie but definitely a schizo monster huhh. i looked under the next bed ... no leslie? but there was a note.
"Go down the hall, take a right then take a left at the mirror, but before you do that take the key behind the mirror then there will be three doors take the last one. "
i got out of my room. the hall was dark with a single hall light on. i looked down the hall right at the mirror i faintly saw something move. i went down the hall everyone was up and they were starring at me. i finally got to the mirror. the key was lodged and dusty but i managed to get it.
i finally got to the door and unlocked it. to my surprise on the other side was leslie and a rose garden with lovely music.
i blushed "leslie?"
he came up and hushed me. he grabbed my waist and we began to slow dance. he twirled me around and pecked my cheek. after a bit of watching him smile. i had become faint.
"Will (y/n) be... my girlfriend ?"
"yes" he picked me up and twirled me like how they do in the fairy tales
i soon blacked out .

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