Chapter 4 Wedding Crash and a Conehead Clash.

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Orange's Perspective:

Once Pink got into the cage, I grabbed the cage and went out of the cave. The outside revealed a giant flowery field. I caught up with everybody, and the King said, "Orange, you are here finally." The King pointed at a castle in the distance. "There is the castle right there. We are going to the edge of the fields and the catapults will launch you knights towards the castle, and you must stop that wedding, by any means necessary.

Green said, "Woohoo, that means more murder."

"Achoo," Blacksmith suddenly sneezed. "Wait, that doesn't normally happen unless, BEES." Blacksmith said as a swarm of bees started to come out of the flowers.

"Why are you so scared of bees?" Green asked.

Blacksmith replied, "These aren't just regular bees. These are steel bees. These things have stingers made of metal. They can penetrate through armor. Second off, I am allergic to bees."

"How do you know that?" Orange asked.

"I got stung by one bee before and I was taken to the ER."

Green replied, "ERs don't exist right now. "

I announced, "You do realize I can just do this," I used my fire power to burn all the bees.

"How dare you hurt our precious bees?" A random voice asked.

We heard a random beekeeper covered in black bee keeping outfit. He had a bunch of bees around him. "We care for the bees, the bees care for the flowers, and the flowers care for us. And you ruining the cycle by killing these bees. We are going to make you into a special fertilizer," The Beekeeper said.

"Aren't Coneheads like people that wear helmets shaped like cones?" asked Green.

"That's not a Conehead. It's just some weak, little peasant," the King said as he got off his horse. He took out a golden staff. The staff launched out giant, golden blast of light. Once the beam stopped, we saw the Beekeeper on the ground twitching, covered in ashes.

"Wait, how is he still alive?" Green asked.

The King said, "You see, my weapons and magic are specifically made to make the most amount of unimaginable pain, imaginable and it last forever. Now let's get a move on."

I looked at the guy on ground, he was in a lot of pain, while everyone else moved on, I put the guy out of his pain.

As I started walking, I saw a broken padlock on the ground. I thought nothing of it at the time and I continued forward. After a while we reached a cliff and we had to wait a bit for a couple of black knights to bring in two catapults.

The King said, "Get into position. You four are going to get onto these catapults and we will launch you into the Conehead castle. We want you to stay calm and not move a muscle while you are being launch, or else you won't have a muscle to move. Blue and Red, you are going first."

Red got onto one catapult and Blue went onto the other one. When that was happening, the White Thief was trying to get out of his cage while thrashing about. Afterwards, I notice the padlock on the cage was gone. By the time Blue and Red got launched, the White Thief broke out of his cage. He said, "Time for Mayhem," while taking out of his pocket a bow and arrow that was doubled the size of his body. He started shooting arrows everywhere. The White Thief shot a firework arrow at Green and Blacksmith, and it launched them away. During all of the commotion, I unlocked Pink's cage. Pink and I got onto the catapult and launched us into the sky. I landed onto some purple bricks. That's when I knew we had landed on the castle.

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