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Lucy's POV
When I went inside my apartment I went straight to me room and changed
I changed into a matching black top and shorts and
Went to the kitchen to start dinner for Tim.
I finished dinner around 7:15 and waited for tim because I finished mine.
Where's Tim at?
I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

To tim
From Lucy
Hey Tim um where are u? Your shift ended an hour and a half ago?

At 9:00 I finally got a response

To Lucy
From Tim
I asked grey for overtime.


To Tim
From Lucy
Oh..ok well I'll just put your dinner in the fridge it'll be here when u get u

To Lucy
From Tim

Why is everyone being like this.
Is it because of the detectives exam.
Is it cause I'm annoying.
God what's wrong with me.
I got up to put the food in a container when Jackson and sturling came out of his room laughing and smiling.
Jackson looked up when he heard the fridge close
His smile faded when he saw me.

"Lucy didn't I tell you to stay in your room?!"
Jackson said

"Sorry sorry I was just making food for Tim"
I said

"Well I don't even see him just go back in your room me and sterling are gonna be in here"
Jackson said

"Ok sorry"
I said quietly back

I walked into my room because Jackson was right Tim's not even here. I miss Tim why'd he ask for over time. Maybe he's asked for over time because our 1 year is coming up and he needs money.

That might be it. I smiled and plugged my phone in.
I woke up a few hours later to a knock on my apartment door.
I checked my phone and it's 2:51
Who would be here.
I got up and opened the door it's Tim!

"Oh hey Tim why didn't you use your key" I said in a tired voice

"Because I don't have it"
He said

"Oh ok well if your hungry your food is in the fridge"
I smiled slightly but he didn't smile back

"God Lucy I'm not hungry I'm tired can we just sleep" he said

"Yea sorry" I said

I turned around to go to my room when Tim grabbed my wrist.

"Can u sleep on the couch I wanna be alone tonight"
He said looking me in the eyes
I felt a pain in my heart but nodded and grabbed a pillow and blanket and went to the couch
I looked up at the ceiling wondering what happened to him. Is it me? Did something happen at work?
Gosh I'm such a fuck up.
I heard Tim's alarm clock and realized I got no sleep..again.
I sighed and pretended to sleep.
I heard Tim walk out of our room and acted like I'm just waking up.

"Good morning baby"
I said smiling at him

He just gave me a tight smile back and went and made coffee
I sighed and walked into our room to get ready.
I pulled on my favorite pare of jeans also Tim's favorite and
My favorite yellow flannel
I walked into the bathroom to cover up the cut and bruise on my face so Tim won't see cause he didn't see it last night because it was dark in the room.
I put on some mascara to and walked into the kitchen
I kissed Tim on the cheek and smiled up at him.
"Hi baby can you make me some coffee pleaseeee"
I said with a smile

"No Lucy I'm already running a bit behind schedule and have to go"
He said than walked out the door
I just made my self coffee and headed to the station

I went straight to the locker rooms and changed
I checked and put on more foundation so no
One could see the cut
And bruise.
When I was walking out I bumped into Nyla
"Oh sor-"
But she cut me off
"Watch were your going officer Chen?!"
Ouch why is she being like that?
"I'm so sorry Nyla"
I said
"It's detective Harper to you Chen"
She spit out back
"Ok sorry ma'am"
I whispered than walked to the roll call room
After roll call I just went and got a shop ready for
Myself cause I knew I was probably riding solo again
Since there wasn't any calls lunch came fast
When I pulled up
I saw Tim, Aaron, Nyla,Angela, Celina, Nolan, and Jackson all sitting together.
I grabbed a chair and tried to pull it
Up to the table but Nylas hand stopped me from putting the chair up to the table.
"There's no more room Officer Chen"
Nyla said
"Oh yea sorry"
I said with a smile
She said
They all just went back to talking
I just put the chair back and went back on patrol

Today was an easy day so there were no calls
I drove back to the station and went straight to the locker room.
I changed into my outfit and put on more concealer
I was about to close my locker when I heard other officers talking about Tim.
I stayed for another minute and listened.
"Tim is so hot"
"I know right I don't know how he's dating Lucy"
"Yea she's like the size of a whale"
"She's probably bigger than Tim"
The officers laughed and stopped talking when I slammed my locker shut and walked out of the
Locker room
I walked to Tim's office looking for him but he wasn't there
I saw Angela and Nyla and hesitated to ask them but did
"Hey Angela detective Harper up have you guys seen Tim he's not in his office"
I asked with. Slight smile
Nyla just rolled her eyes before answering
"No we haven't seen him"
"Ok thank you"
I said then walked away
I just left the station and went to the pharmacy
I grabbed 3 different kinds of weight loss pills
Maybe if I was skinnier Tim would love me.
Maybe if I was skinnier people would wanna be seen with me.
I just sighed and walked to the register
When I put the pills down the woman at the front desk looked up at me than looked me up and down
Great another person judgi-
"Girl you are so hot are u single cause I would love to take you out"
To say I was shocked was an understatement I didn't thought she was judging me not checking me out.
"Oh sorry I have a boyfriend..sorry"
I said
"It's ok don't apologize he is one lucky man"
The woman said.
I handed her my card.
I took my card back and smiled at her and grabbed the 3 bottles.
When I got home I changed into my leggings and a T-shirt and headed to the gym.
Before I got out of my car I took 2 of the weight loss pills and went inside.
I was on the treadmill for an hour
Stuck in my thoughts until someone came up to me.
"I'm sorry Ma'am but we're closing now"
I got of the treadmill and said sorry and walked away.
When I got back to my apartment I was met with an angry Tim Bradford..oh no.
"Where the hell have you been Lucy?!?!"
I gulped before responding
"I was at the gym"
I said somewhat confidently
"Don't lie were you cheating on me?!"
I gasped at that
"What no I would never Tim I'm in leggings and a sweaty T-shirt" I cried out
"Don't lie to me Lucy"
He yelled
"I'm not Tim I love you please"
I went to grab his hand but he just shook it off
"Sleep on the couch tonight"
Tim said before walking off
I set up the couch and was about to lay down when Jackson and sturling walked through the apartment door.
"Oh hey guys"
I said with a smile
"Lucy can you go in your room again me and sturling wanna be in here"
Jackson asked
I was at a loss of words because to told me to sleep in here.
"Sorry I uh can't because me and Tim got in a fight and he told me to sleep in here"
Jackson groaned and said
"Well that's not my fault is it sleep in a hotel or something"
Ouch that hurt
"Can I sleep in your room please I don't have enough money for a hotel"
I said
"NO you can't god Lucy just figure it out"
Jackson said
"Ok sorry"
I grabbed my phone and car keys.
And also the weight loss pills from inside the drawer..
I just got in my car and took 1 pill from each bottle.
I swallowed it down with some water.
I ended up sleeping in my car that night.

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