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an person was an lab reading an book

that is jason olso know as android 666 he is the son of an bio android as he have cells of mutiple fighters among then,saiyan,frieza race,cell,maji buu,vampire olso he manage to get learn abilities of others fighters he meet

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that is jason olso know as android 666 he is the son of an bio android as he have cells of mutiple fighters among then,saiyan,frieza race,cell,maji buu,vampire olso he manage to get learn abilities of others fighters he meet

right now jason is take an look an the notes

jason:looks like the data i collect have good results maybe i can make my project work

???:jason can you come to the living room?

jason look an the door


he said and put the book on the side as he put two fingers on his head and

he dissapear and appear an the living room

jason:i here

???:gah! can you stop do that dammit it scare me

jason:i trough you get use to it  dad

ragna the bloodedge olso know as the grim reaper, and olso jason's father he has an normal person until his arch enemy yuuki terumi turn his chilhood into an nightmare as he begin an quest to get his revenge with the revelation he was the god's dr...

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ragna the bloodedge olso know as the grim reaper, and olso jason's father he has an normal person until his arch enemy yuuki terumi turn his chilhood into an nightmare as he begin an quest to get his revenge with the revelation he was the god's dream and was cause an timeloop everytime he dies soo after kill terumi once for all he and jason decide to use the true azure to wake the god as well save ragna from the dream

ragna:hey is hard to get use too when you appear out of nowhere

jason:like an ghost

ragna flich an the world ghost...yeah he have an fear to ghost

ragna:d don't say that

jason have an deadpannel look is this the man who kill an unkillable godess and take out another pseudo god who was his arch enemy

both hear an giggle

???:well never trough the grim reaper who beat two gods and break an godess dream is scare of gods

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