chapter 1

30 3 25

an boy is been walking trough the halls of a castle

???:{is been years since i was reborn}

that boy is jason as now he is young child as years have pass since he was reborn

now what he find out he is the second son of an royal family who were part of kingdom call midgar as for he knows he have an father and older sister name iris he admint when he see her he give tsubaki vibes along with the red hair

olso he is the first prince of the royal family while iris is the first princess

olso jason find out magic exit but the type of is odd world who use ars magus like the way odd magic he could theorize something maji buu magic could be but then again the maji use it to turn things into sweets and food

during the time jason and iris were training to become knights as both show amazing talent trough iris show more talent an the sword while jason show an hand to hand combat now sure he have aramasa but he use his fist maily an combat as aramasa as extra but still both show talent witch suprise the intrutors but both notice diferent things about both

iris show natural talent on the sword

while jason olso show natural talent on the sword but show more when closes to hand to hand combat witch is something weird as knights depends of sword training

olso notice jason always train an do hardwork and sure get better the next time to the point to beat iris dispide his natural talent

iris have the natural talent to use the sword but jason have both talent and the hardwork to get better with his swordmanship

iris and jason train together and have spars at first iris have the edge but then both even and then jason have the edge as years past as iris was suprise she trough her natural talent was enough but see jason who supass her as she ask how


iris:how you soo strong brother

jason:easy i always train no stop dispide i good with my sword i go keep train to go futher beyond


jason:easy i know there is someone out there stronger than me there is always someone stronger than you as you see with me and the second well i was to train to become stronger and break my limits to go futher and futher..and you can do it too sis you just need to train harder

iris was suprise by his worlds

flasback end

after that iris train harder jason's world motivate to become strong like jason and supass her limits as the instrutors and her father was suprise even jason was proud and happy as he can see iris an rival

during the years pass alexia was born and became the second princess altrough she didn't posess the natura talent like her siblings as people see her as the inferior,jason didn't like that an fact he begin to train alexia with iris as she show progress but the natural talents still leave alexia behild as jason can see she feel inferior compare to the rest as he try to motivate her


jason:hey sis

alexia:big brother what is it

jason:well i was wonder if you okay

alexia:i fine..

jason:you sure

alexia:yeah is just

jason:you feel down because people tell you,you not the same level as iris nee-sa and i

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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