2 - Este's Heartache

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I wake up the next morning snuggled under my blankets, with sunlight streaming in through my bedroom window. Memories from last night with Felix come rushing back to me and I sit up, my eyes flying open. I scan my room; it looks the same and everything in my tiny home seems quiet, but looking down, I notice I'm wearing one of my nightgowns. Oddly, it doesn't bother me that Felix changed my clothes; it's not like he didn't see everything last night.

I cannot believe I slept with him on the first date; Este is going to freak out when I tell her. Though, it's not like she can judge me; she had sex with Henry when we were fourteen.

I throw the blankets off me and get out of bed to start my day; thankfully it's one of my days off so I can relieve last night over and over again without anything else to worry about. I pull the blankets back up over the bed and notice a piece of thick paper laying on the other pillow; a note written in a shimmering grey ink.

'Ana, I had a wonderful night with you. I hope you don't mind seeing me again, because I am going to visit you while you're at work tomorrow and ask you for another date. - Felix.'

My face heats up and I fan myself with his note, as excitement blossoms in my chest at the idea of seeing him tomorrow. Oh my god. I read the note once more, scanning each word carefully; he's going to ask me out again! I jump up and down like a child, holding the note tight against my chest, and smiling brightly.

I read his note about a dozen more times before I finally head out to my kitchen where I boil some water for a cup of dandelion tea and cut off two slices of the soft, fluffy bread I made a couple days ago, and butter them both generously. I take my breakfast to the little table in my garden, where I sit and eat, my mind replaying last night on a constant loop.

It's only when the cool breeze blows my hair into my face do I realize how long I've been sitting out here; looking up, I see the sun directly above me and jump up in a hurry. There is still so much to do before I meet Este; I run around watering my flowers, my herbs, and my vegetables, then I feed my old hen, Lucy, who I think is on the last legs of life, unfortunately. She still produces eggs for me, not as many as she used to, but it's enough for now. I'll have to figure something out when she eventually passes; I can't exactly afford a new hen; Lucy was left to me by my mother.

I give her some cuddles, which seems to make her happy; poor old girl. She's been good to me; meat is hard to come by, unless you're rich that is; but with Lucy, I've always been able to keep a small supply of eggs.

I pat her head gently, "Oh, Lucy, such a pretty girl, aren't you?" She gives me a soft 'cluck' in response, settling down, and closing her eyes. I pick up the first egg she has laid in days, and give her another grateful pat, "thanks, girl."

I bring the egg back into my house, placing it in my currently empty egg basket with a sigh. I'll have the egg tonight with my vegetable soup, then more bread and butter for breakfast tomorrow, and hopefully Lucy will have another egg for me when I come home from work.

With another sigh, I head into my bathroom to wash up, and get ready for drinks with Este. I make the short walk to the same run-down pub we've been going to since we were sixteen. Keeping my head down, I make my way to our usual table, and wait.

The bartender, a greasy old man, appears at my table, "the usual tonight, Ana?" he slurs; probably loaded already. I give him a quick nod and he stumbles away to get our ales.

I'm on my second drink, while Este's first still sits untouched... she's never late, what is taking her so long?

I'm throwing back my third drink by the time she collapses into the chair across from me. Immediately, I notice how puffy her eyes are and how her jaw is set in anger.

"Este, what's wrong?" I ask her worriedly.

She doesn't say anything right away; she chugs her ale, then calls out to the bartender for another. She doesn't speak until he arrives at our table with two more drinks each.

"Thanks, Alfred," she mutters to the drunk old man as he saunters away.

"Este," I press, but she holds up a finger as she downs her second drink.

Finally, she takes a sip of her third, and looks up at me with watery eyes, "Henry's having an affair." She takes a long swig, banging her glass back down on the table. "The mother fucker hasn't been 'working late', he's been out getting his dick wet!"

My excitement to talk about Felix flies out the window as I watch my best friend cry over Henry for the millionth time. Though he's never cheated on her before... that we know of.

I reach across the table, grabbing Este's hands, "Tell me everything."

"I heard him this morning," she says, wiping her eyes. "I think he thought I had already left for work, but I was out back checking my garden when Otis came to pick him up for work. I'm not ashamed to admit that I got closer so I could hear their conversation while they loaded the wagon."

"And?" I ask, hanging on to every word.

She sniffles, "Otis asked him how the boss's sister was in bed, and Henry told him that he doesn't 'fuck and tell'... and they just laughed. They laughed while I stayed frozen, hiding in my vegetable patch... I ruined our early crop of carrots."

She lets out a heavy sigh, "they left soon after that and I ran to work. I haven't been able to focus on anything else; his words from this morning, so guiltless and uncaring, have just been echoing in my head all day. It's driving me crazy."

"You're not crazy, he is!" I exclaim angrily. "You guys have been together forever; he can't just do that to you and think he can get away with it!" I drain the rest of my drink and start on the fourth one Alfred brought over for me.

"But how am I going to prove it?" she wails, tears falling down her face.

"You don't need proof, just confront Henry about it. You know him, you'll be able to tell if he is lying."

She screws up her face in anger and betrayal, "you're right Ana, you're always right. I've got to call him out, I have to know for sure."

I reach across the table and give her hand a comforting squeeze. "We'll figure it out, and if he is cheating, you'll come stay with me."

Este looks like she's about to disagree but I shake my head, "No, Este. If Henry has betrayed you like that, you can't stay with him."

I watch her eyes flood with more tears and my heart breaks for her, "He's all I've ever known," she says, her voice quiet and small.

"I know," I say gently, giving her hand another squeeze. "But we'll figure it out together, like we always have."

She smiles at me through her tears, "I love you, Ana."

I find myself blinking back tears of my own, as she places her hand over mine, "I love you too, Este. Everything will be ok."

We spend the rest of the evening drinking our way through a dozen more ales and coming up with more and more obscure ways for her to confront Henry, each more unhinged than the last. In the end though, she decides to just ask him about it calmly, and hope he was lying to Otis.

Before parting ways, she encases me in a tight hug, "thanks, for tonight Ana. Sorry we didn't get to discuss your date with that witch."

"It's ok, this is more important right now."

"After I figure this all out with Henry, you'll have to give me all the details," she forces a smile and I nod.

"Of course," I say, holding her tightly.

She pulls away, sniffling and nodding, "I'll see you at work tomorrow, look for me on your break, Ok?"

"I will," I assure her. "Goodnight Este."

"Night, Ana," she turns away, walking off into the night, and I pull my shawl around myself, hurrying off in the opposite direction.

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