1 - First Date

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Butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I get ready for my first date with Felix. I apply a light coat of nude lipstick and decide to leave my eyes natural for the night. I bite my bottom lip as I study my appearance in the full-length mirror that leans against my bedroom wall; my skirt reaches just above my knees, flaring out in a cute, flowy way; my off the shoulder top fits my body like a glove, and tucks into the skirt.

I run my fingers through my light brown hair, letting the waves fall back to rest on my shoulders, and my face heats up as I look at myself... Felix hasn't seen me in anything like this before, every time we've met, I've been in my kitchen uniform, and usually covered in sweat from working over the big stone ovens all day.

I think back to the first time I saw him; I was taking out the trash at the end of my shift, throwing it into the barrels that are out back for the dump workers to pick up in the mornings. I had the feeling I was being watched, which is strange, because there's never anyone on that side of the building. I was so distracted by the feeling, I didn't throw the last bag high enough and it hit the edge of the barrel and fell to the ground, splattering old food and dirt all over my pants. I remember my face turning a deep shade of red and turning around slowly until I met with a pair of the lightest eyes I had ever seen. Which is actually quite the achievement considering I live in Autumn's Fall, home to a coven of air witches who all have light eyes. But his were so close to white, with swirls of very light purple that sucked me in and made everything else disappear... until he chuckled at my misfortune, bringing back my embarrassing predicament.

"Don't worry, I got you" he said, snuffing out the blunt he was smoking and making his way to my side. I remember my heart picking up its pace the closer he got, and the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead as I realized how attractive he was. I was speechless as with just a flick of his hand the mess disappeared; he even got it cleaned off my pants.

"Sorry if I startled you," he said sheepishly, "there's never anyone out here so it's usually a good place for a smoke."

All I could get out was a stuttered, "N-no, i-it's fine, th-thanks" before I scurried back inside the building, and slumped against the door, literally fanning myself like some boy crazy teenager. You're twenty-four years old, Ana, get a grip, I thought, forcing myself to finish cleaning the kitchen for the next shift.

The rest of the week, I seemed to run into Felix everyday when I was at work. I'd see him sitting in the lounge of the coven house when I arrived in the morning, he would wave and give me a dazzling smile, and I would blush furiously, while speed walking my way to the kitchens. He seemed to know when my breaks were, because he just so happened to be eating in the dining hall during every single one, and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. And near the end of each of my shifts, he would be waiting outside, smoking a blunt, in the same place I met him, and each time, he took the trash out of my hands, with an "I got you," disposing of it himself.

By the third day of this, I finally plucked up the courage to say thank you, when he threw my trash into the barrels. He grinned at me, "she finally speaks," he chuckled, and his smile almost knocked the wind right out of me.

"Sorry," I muttered, embarrassed by my shyness.

"Don't be, I like the way you blush when I'm near you," he grazed my cheek with his fingers, and I felt the heat rush to my face, "just like that," he said lowly.

Aside from feeling like I was about to pass out, I also felt like I was soaring with the clouds; and when he dropped his hand, it felt like my heart dropped with it, sinking into the pit of my stomach.

He cleared his throat, a little nervously, "Ana, would you like to go on a date with me?" I was shocked to say the least and caught completely by surprise.

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