The Fall of A Friendship...

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Ruby was often known as the kid who spent her time alone, with no friends to hang out with except for her sisters. Lucy was popular in the Hero Kingdom and gained her friend group. As for Midnight, she is well- something. She tries to make friends, but since she is very energetic, other half-bloods stay away or run away from Midnight which will leave her confused. Can anyone be friends with this chaotic half-blood, let’s just get back to the story. Ruby was reading a book when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Lucy looking down at her. “Um, hey sis, can I help you with something?” Ruby asked. “Ruby, you are always hanging out by yourself. Don’t you want to hang out with any friends?” Lucy asked. Dear Gods, not this conversation again. Ruby thought to herself. “I know you want me to socialize with other half-bloods, but I like being alone, sis,” Ruby told Lucy, who sighed. “I just don’t want you to be alone and pathetic like Midnight,” Lucy grumbled. “Hey, I am right here!” The Young Half-Blood barked, unhappily. “Do you see what I mean, Midnight is a strange kid, and none of the kids want to be friends with her because of her chaotic behavior,” Lucy explained. “Whatever, I don’t want to be friends with them and besides. I have the readers to be friends with.” Midnight mumbled under her breath. Lucy decided to ignore that, she saw a purple-haired girl sitting by herself which gave the Fire Princess an idea. “Ruby, you see that girl sitting on that bench, how about you talk to her?” Lucy suggested. Ruby decided to give this a chance and walk off to the girl who was watching the birds fly by. Ruby took a deep breath and then waved at the girl with a bright smile. “Hello there, are you new in the Kingdom? I've never seen you around before.” Ruby said. “Yeah, my parents are visiting the Queen Lily and King Shane (Ps, this is before the murder of them).” The Girl replied. “My parents? Well, I’m their daughter, the middle child. I have two sisters named Midnight and Lucy. I have forgotten to introduce myself, I’m Ruby, and you are…?” Ruby asked, gesturing for the girl to answer. “I’m Ashley, Princess Ashley of The Sky Kingdom,” Ashley replied, shaking Ruby’s hand. “Do you want to be friends?” Ruby asked, shyly. “Of course! Best friends?” Ashley said. “Forever,” Ruby replied, smiling. Ruby doesn’t know what she is getting herself into, huh…? Well, months passed and Ruby & her best friend Ashley did everything together until something changed in Ashley. She began to become a bit rude toward Ruby’s sisters, which caused Ruby to be upset but she didn’t want to start anything with her best friend. “Hey Ruby, Is your friend Ashley coming over?” Midnight asked. Ruby noticed a change in her sister’s tone but decided to answer her question. “No, she said she’s busy with something,” Ruby answered. “Good, that friend of yours is mean to me, sis.” Midnight growled. Ruby was taken aback by Midnight’s comments, she raised an eyebrow. “Ashley is being mean to you? Why?” Ruby asked. After Grandpa Ben crowned Ruby Queen, she noticed that her friendship with Ashley was getting tested due to the hateful look Ashley had been giving her. “I don’t know, she’s just got angry at me and started yelling at me for no reason.” Midnight replied. “I’ll talk to her about that when we meet up with each other.” Ruby said. “What did you do to make her angry, Mid?” Lucy asked. All I did was show her my invention, which may have blew up in our faces then she said “You’re nothing but a disappointment to The Royal Family.” Midnight explained. Ruby walk out of the castle, looking for Ashley to talk about she said to Midnight was not okay at all. Ashley was chatting with other half-bloods, then she spotted Ruby. “Hey Ruby, how’s it going, girl?” Ashley greeted. “Ashley, can I please talk to you alone?” Ruby asked. Ruby and Ashley walk to a area where no one can bother them. “Ashley, did you call my sister a disappointment….?” Ruby asked. Ashley froze, she did call Midnight that out of anger and left Midnight alone, feeling confused and hurt. “Ashley, answer my question.” Ruby demanded. “Yeah, I did. What does it bother you so much? That sister of yours is very annoying and obnoxious to be around.” Ashley snapped.


Creator (Me IRL): “Midnight, how many times did I tell you not to interrupt the story?” >:[

Midnight: “Uhhh. 83837384 times.” ;-;

Creator (Me IRL): “Yes- how did you keep count- JUst GET OUT!”

Ruby was protective over Midnight, she loves her baby sister and doesn't like it when someone insults her. Ruby can be scary when she wants to be. “What did you call Midnight….?” Ruby asked. “I said she is annoying and obnoxious.” Ashley growled. “Don't you dare talk to my sister like that.” Ruby asked, kindly. Ashley wasn't happy, she decided to take a big step, a bad one. Ruby was about to leave until she felt a strong force and fell right on her face. Ashley has shoved her.. she used to be so nice. She changed to someone she doesn't even know anymore. “You know what, Ruby… I thought you said we were gonna be friends to the end. You know what, I don't understand why you were crowned Queen. I should have been Queen, not a pathetic loser like you..” Ashley mumbled before walking off, leaving Ruby in the dust. Ruby slowly got up, she felt tears dripping down her cheek. “Fine…” Ruby whimpered, before running back to the castle.

Midnight: “Dang, That went from wholesome to sad.”

Creator (Me IRL): …..

Midnight: “Uhh. Creator?”

The Fall of a Friendship (Written by Midnight)Where stories live. Discover now