A Small Vent

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I'm just gonna vent myself if that's okay.

I remember a girl who hated my guts for no reason at all. (I'm not saying her name) she just hated my energy. One day I wanted to be friends with only for her to tell me right to my face that I'm a disappointment to my family. She didn't hesitate and straight up left after saying that. I was so confused on why she said that. Another time, I was in the room and she was like ugh you again. (Excuse me for my language. ) I was getting damn annoyed by her attitude and snap back: why don't you deal with it?

She got angry at me. (She made someone cry one time. ) (she and her friend saw me writing in my notebook, back then. ) when they saw my stories, they started laughing.

In October 3, I saw that I was mentioned by my friend (ex friend now. ) Tj, I watch the video. The video was about him being angry about Pibby not able to have a show. I was confused on why I was mentioned. So, I left a comment that just said why do I need to mention or could you unmentioned me. Heh... You know what, Tj said. He started yelling at me. Saying stuff like I WORK HARD ON THIS AND I WANT TO MENTION YOU.

To this point, I was shocked and confused on why he started yelling at me for no reason.

I ask him why he is yelling at me and that I don't appreciate it. After a while, I realized that our friendship isn't working out. I told him that. All I got was ...

I didn't know what to even feel about it. I told my best friend about what happened. Even make a vent video and Tj comment, he was mad. That day, I just feel nothing but numb.

Let's skip to the few days later, I was sad about what happen. I grew a dislike toward Pibby cause it just remind me of what happened. I decided to make a vent post, venting my feelings out. One of Tj's friend decided to defend Tj and told me I made Tj upset. (All I did was make a vent. Is it wrong to vent?) (Yeah, another situation happen. ) (numb. )

He ruined my December, he decided to yell at me to the point of me crying. I had to go on break.

My trust was broken....

He yelled at one of my friends (a different Jay) (I got angry and yell at him to back off. ) (he yelled at me, I didn't care anymore. )

(Welp, yeah. :^)

(That's what this whole story and Ashley was based off. ) (That Girl and how Ruby got backstabbed just like how I was backstabbed. )

The Fall of a Friendship (Written by Midnight)Where stories live. Discover now