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may 31 2013, 7:09 am 📍 sachiko neighborhood

the sound of a guitar could be heard coming from the home next to mine. its too early for this shit.. i think to myself as i grumpily get out of my messy bed and open up the window.

"semi ! " i yell at the ash haired boy who could be seen strumming his guitar on his bed. can bro not hear me.. " BAND KID!" i say louder this time.

i see semi make a face at me get up from his bed and making his way to his window. " what the fuck do you want? " he scoffed annoyingly. "jeez who pissed in your cereal..." i mutter, " do everyone a favor and shut up with your guitar, it's like 7am." i say.

"no." he hissed as he shuts his window loudly.

"what the fu-" i get cut off at the sound of his guitar starting up again.

"he's going to be the death of me..." i mutter to myself as i go back to my bed.

as soon as i lay down, i prick up at the sound of my phone ringing. i look at the contact which reads " kimiko "

i pick up and begin, " how are you awake this early... "

" doesn't matter, i had a question "

" shoot "

"how do you feel about

having a bit of fun this summer?"


a/n, keep in mind, the prologue is really short but the chapters itself will not be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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