Old Rivalries - Part 2

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"So why do you suddenly want to join the team?" The coach sighed, eyeing up the three new recruits, 

"School patriotism" Uriel shrugged with a smirk, "And we have a point to prove against them all" 

"That's a good enough reason for me" The coach laughed, "I want the three of you to come to try outs after school today" 

Uriel rolled his eyes, reaching over he placed two fingers on the forehead of the coach. His eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"What did you do?" Hope snapped, 

The smirk on Uriel's face turned into a grin, "I merely changed his mind, we don't need to go to try outs now" 

"I thought you didn't have all your abilities back yet?" Hope asked,

Uriel nodded, "I don't, but certain ones are coming back" 

"So much for personal gain" Adam scoffed as the trio left the office, "What now then?" 

"Now" Uriel explained, "We need to go meet the rest of the team and sort out the mess you made" 

"This isn't going to go well is it" Hope sighed, 

The two boys next to her both nodded, as they approached where the football team was sat.

"What do you lot want?" Ethan demanded, immediately, 

"We're part of the team now" Adam revealed, "Thought we'd let you know"

Ethan scoffed, "What happened to you not wanting the QB spot?"

"I didn't want it, didn't mean I didn't want to join the team" He shrugged, 

Ethan glared at the trio before him, "What if we don't want you on the team?" He challenged, 

"Well Coach put us on it, so tough shit" Uriel spat at him, only just managing to resist adding the words 'human scum' on the end,

"Without try outs?" One of Ethan's lackey's demanded,

Hope nodded, "Guess he's just that desperate" 

"You bitch" the only female member of Ethan's group scoffed, 

Adam and Uriel both stepped forwards aggressively, "Boys!" Hope called them off, "She isn't worth it, just worried that there's a better girl than her on the team now"

"You think you're better than me?" Ethan's female friend challenged, 

"Think? No. I know I'm better than you" Hope mocked, 

Hope's adversary jumped out of her chair towards the Tribrid, but was dragged firmly into her seat by her friends. 

"I think you should all leave now" one of Ethan's friends decided, gesturing towards the door, "There's nothing we can do about you joining the team, but that doesn't mean we have to be nice to you" 

"Feeling is definitely mutual" Uriel spat at him, before the trio left to get food themselves. 

-- Line Break -- 

The other three angels had headed to the Mystic Grill for lunch, deciding they were sick of the school's food. They were currently sat in a corner booth munching away on the burgers they had ordered when the waitress came over, 

"Is everything okay with your food?" She asked, her nametag read Lucy and she had black hair that stopped at her shoulders, 

"It's lovely thank you" Cham responded, "Could we get another round of Milkshakes though please... Lucy" 

"Lucy" Gabby laughed slightly, "That's our sister's name" 

"All of your sister?" Lucy asked them, looking between the three girls who looked nothing alike, 

"Adopted" Jo suggested, 

A look of understanding crossed Lucy's face as she noted down their new order, "I'll get those Milkshakes out to you as soon as I can" 

A chorus of thank yous came from the angels as Lucy left, 

"Nice girl" Cham mused, 

Gabby nodded before changing the subject quickly, "So how badly is this game going to go?" 

"You mean with our highly competative brother, the hunter who squared up to a horseman and the unkillable Tribrid?" Jo let out a laugh, "Add on the fact that the school basically evicted all their favourite people? This is going to be great" 

Gabby let out a sigh and sipped on her milkshake, "I'm so going to have to get involved before one of them kills someone" 

"Surely it won't be that bad?" Cham suggested, "They know what they're doing right?" 

The three sisters shared a look, their thoughts obvious. 

"What's the plan then?" Jo asked, eyes finding Gabriel, 

The archangel pulled out a sheet of paper, "This is a spell to dampen magical abilities, It won't  completely get rid of them but It'll stop Uriel and Hope from completely decimating them" 

"And what about Adam?" Cham reminded them, 

Gabby shrugged, "Adam's human, you know the rules we cannot directly interfere with purely human situations" 

"So we've just set a well trained, supernatural hunter who can take on horsemen and cyclopses against the Salvatore school?" Jo summarised, 

The trio looked at each other before bursting into laughter at the whole situation, now determined to go and watch this match and whatever was going to happen between the supernatural school, and the school blessed by angels.

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