It's A Good Job Klaus Isn't Here - Part 1

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Whilst of course it was awful that Lucifer had been hiding at the school, the lack of headmaster did now leave an opening... 

Alaric was once more stood in the Salvatore hall, smiling at all of the students before him. 

"So a lot has happened in the last two years" He was saying, "From Malivore to the literal Devil as your headmaster. Varedmus wasn't amazing either" 

This drew a few chuckles from the crowd before him before he continued, 

"But at the end of the day, we have all persisted through it and come out of the other end stronger. So I propose something" He carried on, "The return of not one, not two, but three old teachers. Myself included" 

There was some whispering amongst the crowd as they eyed Michael and Gabriel who were stood by the Doctor. 

A hand was raised by Kaleb in the crowd of students, 

"Yes Kaleb?" Ric asked, 

"Dr S... we don't know these two!" the vampire spoke what a lot of people in the crowd were thinking. Whilst Josie, Hope and Lizzie were sat in the back grinning like idiots, 

Mike tapped Ric on the shoulder and gave him a smile, whilst indicating to the podium. Ric rolled his eyes but agreed, stepping to the side as he did. 

"I think you're more familiar with us than you may think Caleb, even if it's been about a year" Mike chuckled, "But you did know us slightly differently"

"Bro who the hell are you?" Kaleb scoffed, 

Mike raised his eyebrows and let his eyes start glowing blue. 

"No fucking way..." Kaleb laughed, "Mr Smith?!" 

Mike nodded at the boy, "In the flesh, although I do have to say I was very touched by the memorial and the funeral" 

The jaws of all the students had dropped. The trio at the back were trying their hardest to not burst out in laughter. 

"You remember my sister Gabriel as well, I'm pretty sure she taught a few of you in my absence" He nodded to the redhead, 

Kaleb stood, raising his hand again, "So, what the hell happened?" 

"Archangels, when we die we reform. We change our face, our body everything. But it's still us" He explained, "But the short story is we're back, and ready to put things right. Now there is one more thing that's going to change" 

The doors at the back of the hall opened up and someone started walking in. Big grins and a few cheers could be heard as she walked in. 

"Obviously things happened with Dr Saltzman at the end of last year, and whilst we're hoping you'll let bygones be bygones nobody is expecting you to welcome him back as your headmaster. So it is my pleasure to reinstate our very own Caroline Forbes as Headmistress of the Salvatore school!" Mike grinned at the blonde vampire as she took over from him, 

"Hey everybody" Caroline grinned at the crowd, including her daughters who hadn't been informed about this bit, 

"You miss me?" 

-- Line Break -- 

After the assembly, Caroline had gathered Ric, Mike and Gabby in her office (Ric's old one). 

"So, we're coming back halfway through the academic year" Caroline started saying, "We've got the devil loose in Mystic falls, two out of the four horseman of the apocalypse still to kill and a hybrid that we still don't know the identity of!" 

"That about sums it up" Ric sighed, 

Mike shook his head, "Not quite, I haven't had time to tell you this yet with everything that's been going down. But I figured out who the hybrid is" 

"Why don't you tell us these things sooner?!" Caroline snapped, 

Mike held his hands up in a defensive posture, "I was a little busy kicking out the literal devil from this school!" he laughed in disbelief, "I haven't exactly had time to stop and smell the roses" 

"It doesn't matter Mike" Gabby sighed, "Who is he" 

Mike took a notepad off of Caroline's desk and quickly drew the scar that was on Dylan's arm. 

"His name isn't Daniel for starters" Mike began, "I'm assuming he chose that as a joke" 

"Shit" Gabby groaned as she looked at the image, "Does it have to be him?" 

"Who!" Caroline yelled, 

Mike and Gabby jumped back at the outburst, "Woah Blondy don't worry I'm getting there" He chuckled, "But his name is Cain" 

"Wait as in Cain and Abel?" Ric asked, 

Mike nodded, "After killing Abel, dad branded Cain with that scar and cursed him to walk the earth for all eternity" 

"How is he a wolf and a witch?" Caroline asked, 

Mike ran a hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh, "Well Cain was always a witch. One of the first ones. As for the wolf bit I'm not one hundred percent sure, but my best guess is that Cain was at the cursing, got hit by it and because of his curse and magic has the ability to control his shift" 

"Fucking Cain" Gabby groaned, "I should have known!" She yelled as she walked out of the office, slamming the door behind her. 

"Whys she so pissed at Cain?" Ric asked,

Mike rolled his eyes, but a smirk was threatening to emerge, 

"She used to have a thing for him"

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