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"Hey Fredster!"

A familiar voice sounded from behind a man with chocolate brown hair, his skin lightly tanned, a slight frown upon his lips as he turned around the face the person who's voice he had recognised immediately.

The familiar smile was what he saw first, the man with black or very dark brown hair with small curls in it, a little bit of a beard that would not be called stubble, dark eyes full to the brim of happiness at the mere sight of him.

"Fredster, what's the matter? You look like somebody has just punched your mother in the face, man."

Hamza Rehman spoke with a look of slight concern slipping on to his caramel skin, with the Pakistani man lifting his hand up to punch his friend in the arm albeit lightly, trying to cheer him up.

"Red Bull just dropped me."

Frederick Butler or Freddie as he liked to be known, muttered quietly, his voice almost a whisper as he felt ashamed of what had just happened.

He thought that he would have been able to keep his seat in Formula One at Red Bull, since he had finished ahead of his team mate, Daniel Ricciardo, at every single race of the two thousand and fifteen season, however he had just been informed that he was to be replaced by Daniil Kvyat.

It had hurt, he had been part of the Red Bull academy for a long time, he had only ever driven for teams associated with Red Bull and now all of that was gone.

He didn't have a seat.

"They did?" Hamza released a scoff. "I never liked them anyway, they always thought that they were better than me."

"They are better than you."

"If we had equal machinery, they wouldn't be! It's not my fault that I'm in a car that's being held together by duct tape!" Hamza grinned, a look of humor and mischief evident on his face.


"Look, Red Bull aren't the best team around so let's not cry over it, that's like crying over a Chad or a Ryder, and we don't do that, do we?" The Rehman man waved his hand dismissively, trying to make his friend realise that it wasn't all bad.

"No, we cry over Marley and Me." Freddie chuckled lightly, seeing his friend grinning in happiness at having cheered him up even if it was just a little bit.

Hamza could always cheer him up.

He would always try so hard to do it and sometimes injure himself in the process because whilst Hamza was a Formula One driver, he was incredibly clumsy, but Freddie was happy to have him as a friend.

"How's Sol? Is she still living with you?" Freddie questioned his friend quietly, making sure that he didn't speak to too loud.

"Of course she is. She's good, she's with Fernando at the moment, they're having their usual gossip session." Hamza released a small scoff from his lips, talking about their best friend who was a fellow driver, Solaria Chevalier.

They had been friends with one another for years, the three of them being known as a trio, they always arrived and left together no matter what the occasion was. They were stuck to each other like glue.

Unless, Solaria was with Fernando Alonso.

Solaria and Fernando had grown up together, with the pair having a sibling relationship though he would also act as an uncle to her and give her advice since he had also helped raise her when her parents died. It was a complicated situation for the pair, but Solaria loved and respected Fernando for everything that he had done for her.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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