The Herd

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It was the middle of fall, and the air was cold and crispy as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. Casting its fluorescent beams across the autumnal forest.

A hunter named Gabe lay behind an ancient fallen tree as he waited for some big male turkeys to wander by. He looks through his scope and stares from underneath the tree to stay hidden from the animals.

He slowly moved his rifle from side to side, nothing but tall dry grass, bushes, and the turkey dummy he nestled among them.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out something that looks like a whistle made of wood, but more outstretched. He puts it between his lips and emits a turkey call. He's going to need all the effective moves he needs for a better chance at luring any turkeys to his shooting range.

If there were any nearby, would hear them first before he could see them. The ground was littered with dead maple leaves, and no matter how quiet you try to be, you would still make quite a noise. That's why Gabe must stay as still as possible.

There was no wind bombarding the fallen leaves or causing the trees and bushes to shake, so that's good. It would be hard for him to hear any turkeys coming near by.

A few moments went by, and still no turkey. Gabe uses the turkey caller once again, and the forest is filled with noise.

If waiting for eternity wasn't bad enough, a beam of sunlight broke through the trees and shined right into Gabe's eyes; thankfully, a cloud passed over it and blocked it.

For some reason, Gabe carefully looked over his shoulder and gazed at the half-skeletal trees and hills. He could see the hills since he was close to the edge of a slope, giving him a much better view of the environment.

He doesn't know why, but something compelled Gabe to look behind him. He simply shrugged it off as nothing and continued to look through his scope.

Just like before, no turkeys. Gabe let out a soft sigh, and before he could use the turkey caller again, he heard movement in the tall, dry grass

"Finally," he said.

The movement sounds like it's getting closer and louder, and he could see some of the grass beginning to move in his view. His mind only said turkey, and because of that, what he saw through his scope was completely unexpected.

What came from behind the tall grass was not a turkey, but it was covered in feathers, just like a turkey, but with a long lizard-like tail and a neck that ended in a round face with eyes that were big in proportion to the animal's body.

It was covered mostly in green feathers, but he could make out yellow skin or perhaps scales on the half ends of the tail, legs, and head, which contained a small break.

It walked and pecked the ground, just like a chicken, or, should he say turkey, and slowly, very slowly, it took interest in his turkey dummy. This unknown animal circled and pecked at it. It made this cute squeaky sound, similar to that of a bird's.

Gabe smiled and let out a small giggle. The small animal turned in his direction, but it didn't run. Perhaps his camouflage was just too good.

The animal pecks at the dummy again, trying to get it to move. He was charmed by the cuteness this little thing brought. Until its S-shaped neck rose, trying to peer over the dry grass. It stood there for a moment, then booked it. It ran like it had its tail and neck outstretched as if it were running from a predator.

This alerted Gabe to look in the direction where the animal was looking before it took off. He doesn't want to get attacked by large grizzlies, since they are known to eat anything that will help them go through hibernation, including men.

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