Chapter 8

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George's POV

The next morning, I woke up to shuffling. Groaning, I looked up and saw Akira fumbling around with a cute tennis uniform. Right. Today was the Crowd Ball.

-time skip-

In all of the events, Akira Hio has won first place, making it almost impossible for any other to beat Third High School. However, the school was still worried about the Monolith Code, the second to last event. This would decipher the difference between first and second place. If Third High School was to lose to First High School, then they would have to win the Beauty Contest, which is very difficult, for one of the most beautiful women on Earth will be representing First High School. Today was the big day and there is two hours left before the big event.

Masaki's POV

Akira seemed more on edge than usual, pacing around and rubbing her arms frequently.

"What's wrong?" I asked, after five minutes of awkward silence.

"I don't understand how First High School could be so close to our score...and get second every single time. It doesn't make sense. It almost feels as if they hacked the system," she mumbled.

"They got extra 60 extra points in the beginning of the game because one of their players was nearly killed by Seventh High School," I responded.

"Really? I didn't know that," she said, peaking her head up in interest.

"It's true. One of the competitors in Seventh High School jabbed a knife through one of their players, which nearly killed them. Therefore, the judges took 60 points from Seventh High School and gave them to First," George explained.

"That's not fair..." she mumbled, sitting down in front of her computer and continuing to upgrade her CAD.

"I think that you can win an international championship with that CAD right there. Seriously Akira, it doesn't need any more upgrades," chuckled George.

"No no...I need to secure our victory in the Monolith Code. I cannot allow any chance of a mishap," she mumbled, typing down stuff that I didn't even understand.

Finally, after ten minutes, she stopped and placed her CAD back on her wrist. She gave me a look and I raised my eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

"Give me your CAD. I want to upgrade it. Yours too George," she said impatiently.

I reluctantly passed my CAD to her, along with George's. She started putting random programs and upgrades in it that I was afraid that I would not know how to use it when the actual event occurred. Fifteen minutes later, she handed it back to each of us and I had to admit, it felt so much more powerful. I smirked, giving George 'the look'. We are going to crush First High School.

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