Chapter 14

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Akira's POV

I watched as all the schools stiffened. That's right. I am SUPPOSED to be lying unconscious in a hospital bed. I am SUPPOSED to be helpless and weak right now. I am NOT supposed to standing here participating in the Beauty Contest.

"You're probably all wondering how I'm standing here, still participating in this event. Well, let's just say that no matter what happens to me, Third High School comes before any of that. I'm not the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm not the smartest or bravest either. But tonight, I can at least pretend to be that to earn pride for Third High School. Please vote for me and thank you!"

Cheers erupted from all corners of the room, but loudest came from Third High School. My eyes caught a pair of green ones that were filled with confusion, awe, I didn't have time to contemplate before I walked off the stage where eight girls were giving me nasty looks.

"Don't think you're going to win just out of pity. I AM still the MOST BEAUTIFUL girl in the world," hissed a brunette.

I merely smiled at all of them before I walked into the dressing rooms to change into my outfit for the talent show.

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