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after a long few weeks of the twos good behavior, they were let back on their teams

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after a long few weeks of the twos good behavior, they were let back on their teams. though, they had to formally apologize to both of their teams, together. it showed more emotion and just made it better to watch.

"I apologize for causing a fight, damaging the training centers proper, and making the team overwork for my absence." [name] apologized first, she stood in front of the fencing team, bowing afterwards. she glanced over at satoru, waiting for him to apologize to his team.

he grumbled to himself, clearly not ready to embarrass himself in front of his entire team. "I too, apologize for my actions. damaging the training centers property and engaging in a fight." satoru bowed a bit, showing his sorrows and how he was very sorry.

"you both get your gear on, and start practicing." the boys basketball coach said, keeping his voice stern. the two of them nodded, beginning to head to the changing room down the hall.

"I guess it wasnt that bad to get along, right?" she questioned, leaning a bit forward to see his face. she actually found their time enjoyable.

he glanced a bit, he shrugged. "I guess, it was fine though." satoru answered, he sounded a bit annoyed or just not interested.

[name] didn't seem to understand, she continued to walk alongside him before they made their way to the locker rooms. "so, do you wanna help me practice later? I know it might seem like a lot of practice, but practice makes perfect."

satoru rubbed the back of his head, he was contemplating. he didn't want too, he wanted everything to go as plan. to just use her to get back on the team, then go back to just strangers, is what he planned on. "no, sorry, busy with suguru and Shoko later." he apologized, he quickly walked into the boys changing room,

"oh, okay.." [name] muttered, before going into the girls locker phones.


it was a bit later, after a long day of practice. satoru and suguru were sitting on the gym floor of the basketball court, while everyone was getting ready to leave. satoru was chugging down on his bottle of water, clearly tired from the long day of practice.


the two best friends turned to see yu haibara, he looked at his two upperclassmen. "its great to have you back again, I hope you and [last name] are going to continue to get along!" he encouraged, he was overjoyed to have his senior back on the team.

"ha! no problem bud, also... thanks for stopping the little fight we had." satoru thanked, referring to the fight they had by the soda dispensers.

(idk what it's called😭 the soda can holder thingy?)

"no problem! always happy to help!" he assured his senior, before making his way over to his friend. he was happy as ever it seemed.

suguru got up form the floor, as he tapped on satoru's shoulder, gesturing to the exit. "lets go, I need a shower." he muttered, he pushed his loose hair behind his ears. he began to walk out of the gym, satoru followed along.

the two of them walked until they were at the entrance of the training center, still getting this bags situated. suguru was still curious, so he looked up at his friend, having questions for him still.

"so, your really going to on along with this plan of yours?" he asked, satoru glanced down at him, as he shifted his glasses back on his face.

"hell yeah, she's just a spoiled brat, and some girl i got along with for a few weeks." satoru said, he didn't seem to care or cherish the time they had spent together, as friends.

suguru frowned, he wanted to at least try and talk satoru out of his crazy idea. "you should at least still talk to her, you can't just-"

"i already said what i said, okay?! i only used her to get back on the team, the last thing i care about is becoming friends with her or something!" he snapped, he looked down at suguru, as he breathed a bit heavy.

"seriously?" a voice was behind them, the both turned to see [name] there. she held her fencing equipment, as she looked at satoru.

suguru got up, picking his bag up. "i'll leave you too it." he patted satoru's shoulder, before walking past [name].

the two of them looked at each other for a long time, silence filled the training centers lobby. before [name] spoke up again, she looked in disbelief and she felt so betrayed.

"you only used me to get back on the team? this- this was what it was all for?" she asked him, she clutched onto the handle of her bag, as she was furious. "was this all a game to you?"

a game? yeah, to satoru it was. a game to just get back on the court. "yeah.. i guess it was." he muttered, keeping his voice low, and looking away.

she scoffed, before shaking her head. "i actually thought we'd become friends, start getting along, no more fights. but i guess i was wrong, your just a selfish jerk who just uses people." [name] remarked, using every bit of her frustration to her advantage.

"no i'm not." satoru told her, as he clutched onto his backpack.

"yes, yes you are. don't even deny it because you and me both know you are!" she shouted at him, she was only a pawn in his game. was all their time together nothing?

he stayed silent at her words, he was planning to just ghost her, not make her mad. "i didn't want you to find out this way-"

"really? then if you didn't, i guess you were probably going to ghost me? isn't that right?" [name] interrupted.

she was right, he was going too. "yeah, but i just thought it would be better for us." satoru grumbled, he looked down at the floor.

"better for us? or better for you?"

he thought about that sentence for awhile, "better for us? or better for you?". it was better for him, to continue basketball, he didn't consider how she would feel or react.

she scoffed lightly, she took something out of her bag, before walking over this him. she had his basketball, that he had forgotten in the gym, and his coach told her to give it back.

"this entire thing was a mistake." she muttered, shoving it in his chest, before she grabbed her stuff and went the other way.

satoru stood there for awhile, holding the basketball in his arms. he didn't want her to find out like that, nor did he want her to yell at him. he sighed, falling on the floor, clutching his head. thinking 'i'm such an idiot.' over and over.

' over and over

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(guess which story is being rewritten👀)

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