Every Gun Needs Their Little Bullets

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"So, I heard you're the blacksmith of the guild?"

Inside a weapons and armor shop, which was near the Adventurers Guild, Burt Gummer could be seen speaking with the owner of the shop, who was the Blacksmith.

"You can just call me Smith."

The Blacksmith, also known as Smith, was sitting behind the counter, speaking with Gummer all the while polishing some weapons he had nearby.

'I can't tell if that's his real name or another fake one?...'

Burt was honestly getting very confused on how the names work in this world.

"Do you need something? I have armors and weapons all around for sale, unless you need something custom made, though that will cost extra."

Smith, while not specifically impatient, was still waiting for an explanation as to why the Monster Hunter was here.

"Actually, I have a question, are you able to make this?"

Burt, giving up finding a reason for a lack of names in this world, pulled out a piece of paper and showed them to the Blacksmith.

"What are these? I don't recognize any of this?"

Smith grabs the paper and gives a closer look at it, instantly recognizing it as a detailed blueprint of some kind of weapon, something he was unfamiliar with.

"That's unfortunately classified, all I can say is that it helps me in my monster hunting job."

Burt sadly couldn't explain what they were, obviously a secret that he doesn't want to share so carelessly.

"Ah, so you want a commission done in secret, nothing new for me, but it will cost you extra."

Which Smith was understanding and respectful, though he still let's the Gunslinger know that it would be a bit expensive for taking on such a job.

"Will this cover it?"

Though Burt wasn't bothered, even providing a large pouch of coins of copper, silver and a couple of gold, which the Blacksmith made sure to count and see if it was real.

"Alrighy, I should have all this done by the next few days."

Once Smith had accepted the money, he reassured Gummer that the project would be done, and hopefully finished not too long.

"I appreciate it, see you until then."

With a simple tip of Burt's hat and nods in thanks, he leaves the shop and starts to walk away, pulling out a personal notebook and writing some stuff down on it.

'That should solve my ammo problem, a risky move to be sure, to expose such secrets.'

Burt hums, even though he trusted the Blacksmith to keep his promise of his secret commission, he still couldn't but feel anxious and worry for his weapons being exposed.

'But I only have so many bullets before I run dry, and a man who has a gun with no ammo might as well already be dead.'

But even with such worry, Burt knew that he had no choice in the matter, it was either risk having his secret being exposed or be completely defenseless with no ammo for his guns.

'Though, I should still be prepared for when my secret gets out to the public, just to be safe.'

After writing some notes of things to worry about in the future, Burt puts away his notebook and continues to walk on.

"But future problems for future Burt, for now though, time to go back to work."

Though, just as Burt was about to head towards the guild and look for a quest that pays well, he was suddenly stopped when a familiar voice called out to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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