1 | First Encounters

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word count: 700
content warning(s): brief mention of drugs and alcohol

• y/n •

"Welcome in," I yell, as the bell above the door of the small town bookstore rang.

I've worked here for a few years now, helping Mrs. Riley, the store's owner, in her old age. I always said this would only be a short-lived job, but the longer I stay, the more comfortable I get with the idea of working here forever. I just love that new book smell.

Upon not getting a response from whoever just entered the store, I started to walk the shelves in search of the quiet patron. Walking towards the back, the poetry section, I saw her, clad in all purple and sporting a dark, oak-colored cane.

That's a lot of purple, I thought.

She wore a purple skirt, purple blouse, purple suit jacket, and purple heels. The only thing that wasn't violet in any way was a black belt with a golden buckle accentuating her waist.

My eyes traveled to other parts of her body, mostly her bright orange hair, neatly tucked away into a high ponytail.

"Hello," I spoke, making my presence known. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"

As she turned around, I was in complete shock. Brown eyes stared back into mine, and I knew she felt what I had. I also knew that she had originally wanted to tell me off for disturbing her, as her face initially showed no sign of friendliness. But now, she looked kind. She even wore a slight smile.

"H-hi," she replied timidly, "I'm just looking around right now."

"Of course! If you need anything," I assured her, "I'll be right up front."

And with that, I left, returning to my earlier duties of price-tagging new books.

• wilhemina •

When I rounded the corner, trying to find the poetry collections, and heard the footsteps gaining on me, I was more than disappointed with the idea of having the talk to someone. Especially after the day I had. All I wanted to do after dealing with my coked out bosses was go shopping at a new bookstore, go home, and pass out after indulging in a full bottle of wine. But there I was, step one of my relaxation being ruined by some employee who's over-enthusiastic about their job.

As I turned around to give them a piece of my mind, I was met with the most exquisite woman I had ever seen. I was taken aback, spending far too much time racking my eyes over her figure.

Once I realized she was talking, I had to will myself to look her in the eyes.

"H-hi," I stuttered. I stuttered? Wilhemina Venable never stutters, but somehow she had been the one to make me.

When she departed to continue her work, I found myself aimlessly walking the rows, no longer remembering what I originally intended to buy.

You have to get something, I spoke to myself, believing it was the only way to see that beauty again.

Grabbing a collection of love poems off the shelf, I marched to the front, excited to witness her again.

Wilhemina excited?

"I see you found what you were looking for," she examined. "Didn't take you for the love poem type."

"I'm trying to branch out a bit," I lied, hoping to impress her, even slightly.

She hummed, speaking "Is this your first time here? I haven't seen you before."

I simply nodded.

"Well I hope to see you around more often," she concluded, finishing packing my book up for me as I had already paid.

"You certainly will...y/n," I announced, bending over the counter that separated us to read her name tag.

"You have a good rest of your day," I added, leaving the bookstore and heading home.

• y/n •

While I completed my work, my head was in the clouds. All I could think about was that mysterious purple woman. Who was she? Why was she wearing all purple? Why was I so entranced by her? She had caused me to be left with so many unanswered questions, and I had no idea what to do about it.

a/n: this is my first book, so please bare with me! what are your thoughts so far? any suggestions? thankssss

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