2 | Love Poems

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word count: 1100
a/n: this features billie and cordelia. they are girlfriends~

• wilhemina •

Uniquely unlike me, I have been thinking about y/n for days on end. The past week has been bombarded with thoughts of how I'll inevitably work up the courage to walk back into her store. Apparently, my thoughts were so loud that even my friends were concerned about what was bothering me.

"Are you ok, Wilhemina," Billie Dean questioned.

"Of course," I spoke indignantly. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, sweetheart," Cordelia looked on sweetly, "You've been drifted off our entire lunch. You haven't even done your usual Jeff and Mutt complaining yet."

We had just finished eating in a diner outside of the big city, and we're currently walking down the sidewalk, passing small family-owned businesses along the way. Today was our weekly lunch date, but it was all but normal. We tended to have lunch in the middle of New Orleans, not the same small town that occupied y/n's bookstore.

"I'm ok," I responded, shutting them both down. "I really don't want to discuss it."

Billie Dean and Cordelia had been good friends of mine for years, and they easily understood when to leave matters well enough alone.

"Oh look! It's my favorite bookstore, " Cordelia exclaimed. "We must go in!"

Before even looking up at the building, I knew exactly what bookstore Cordelia meant—the one that occupied the person that had been on my mind for days.

• y/n •

For what seemed like the millionth time today, the bell above the door rang, alerting me to the presence of new patrons. Sighing deeply, I made my way to the front to speak.

"Welcome in," I shouted my usual greeting before making eye contact with one of my favorite regulars. "Cordelia," I declared. "It seems I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I know! It's been forever. You remember my partner, Billie."

I made my way towards the two, earning a hug from Cordelia and a shake of the hand from Billie Dean.

"And this," Cordelia said, looking towards the door again, "is one of our closest friends, Wilhemina."

Following her line of sight, I made contact with that purple woman from last week. I had been unable to free my mind for her for days and somehow, she wound up coming in with my favorite customer.

"Oh we've met," I smirked, making my way towards Wilhemina and stretching my hand out. "It's lovely to see you again, Ms. Love Poem."

"It's great to see you again, y/n," she took my hand shyly, a blush raising up her neck.

I could feel Cordelia and Billie Dean looking at us quizzically, obviously unaware of the redhead and I's previous relation. Reluctantly, I backed away and turned towards the pair behind us, asking what they were looking for.

"Um...Well I think Cordelia and I may just look around for a bit," Billie spoke up, clearly wanting Wilhemina and I alone. "You can help Wil with whatever she needs." With that, the pair left, making their way down the long rows of books. I had yet to return my eyes back to Wilhemina, but if I had, I would have seen the way the blush grew further, red spreading across her face.

"So what are you looking for today, Ms. Love Poem?"

• wilhemina •

"I'm not sure really," I voiced, refusing to make eye contact with the woman I'd been fantasizing about since our last encounter. And the affectionate name she had given me was certainly not helping.

"How about I pick out one of my favorites for you," y/n looked on, admirably. "When you come in next time, you can tell me your thoughts?"

"That would be great," I smiled, finally allowing my eyes to meet y/n's.

I can't believe Cordelia and Billie know her! In what world do my newest fixation and my best friends combine. I was still trying to get over the fact that she had completely altered my usually distant demeanor, and here I was, blushing in front of the people who knew me best. I am never going to hear the end of this.

I followed closely behind her as she walked towards the poetry section once again. Fingers raking across the book spines, I was entranced by the ease and care she took with everything. Finding the book she was looking for, y/n turned towards me, hands opened with the book sitting gingerly atop them.

"This is my favorite love poem collection," she whispered as we were fairly close to one another. "I know you said you were trying something new with the last book you chose, so I hope this is something you may enjoy." Y/n rocked cutely on the balls of their feet in anticipation as I stepped even closer, grabbing the poetry collection and flipping through it with an intrigued expression.

"And do you have a favorite poem in here," I asked, waving the book around lightly, causing y/n to giggle.

"I'd have to say 'Love Poem' by Audre Lorde, unironically, of course" she laughed again.

"I'll make sure to tell you what I think about it then," I whispered, staring deeply into her eyes. We spent much more time talking this time, and there's a natural flirtation between us. I don't want to overthink anything though. Maybe she doesn't feel the same way. She is at work right now. I'm probably just like any other customer to her.

Y/n took another step towards me before we were both interrupted by a voice behind us.

"Oh there you are, Wil," Billie exclaimed, shaking y/n and I from our impromptu staring contest. "Are you finished? You're gonna be late for work if we don't go soon."

"Yes! Yes, I'm ready to check out," I spoke hurriedly, making my way to the front counter. I can't believe that I was so mesmerized by her that I completely forgot about needing to return to my job. Although it was a needed distraction, the stress and anxiety of my work life began to creep back up again.

Love Poem
by Audre Lorde

Speak earth and bless me with what is richest
make sky flow honey out of my hips
rigis mountains
spread over a valley
carved out by the mouth of rain.

And I knew when I entered her I was
high wind in her forests hollow
fingers whispering sound
honey flowed
from the split cup
impaled on a lance of tongues
on the tips of her breasts on her navel
and my breath
howling into her entrances
through lungs of pain.

Greedy as herring-gulls
or a child
I swing out over the earth
over and over

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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