Clouded Night

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Complete darkness. That was, at least, what the others expected this room to be like at night. Completely blacked out and silent. Yet the moon's pale beams crept in through a part in the window's curtains. A few fake candle lights strategically placed around the space's other surfaces. The owner may have given the notion of a dark, cold room from an outside view, but within its walls they made sure every corner was visible. Bright enough to create a sense of safety and warmth, but dim enough to sleep with ease.

The room, in this light, had a sense of organized chaos to it. While the floor was mostly neat, and any table tops decorated with care, there were many posters hung up randomly over the back wall. Below them was maybe the messiest part of the space, where a purple and black set of bean bag chairs sat across from each other.

Around them, books, CDs, DVDs and even a few clothing items were scattered or in disorganized stacks. The clothing specifically could be seen about the room in otherwise clean spaces as well. Some drawers were left partially opened, though the closet was completely shut. It felt... lived in.

Across from the chaos, in the center of the room, was a bed. This may not be expected either, but something about placing the bed by the window seemed less okay to the owner of this space. Thus, they settled for a bed in the center of the front wall. It allowed them a clear view of the full room, as well as the window and door; both of which were locked.

The bed itself was a bit high up, but not enough to warrant stairs or a ladder. On it was a black sheet and purple comforter decorated with spiders; the pillows matched the set. Within these sheets someone laid face up.

Virgil was still awake. It felt like he had been laying here for ages, having no luck in his effort to sleep. He knew it had to be late by now, but he wasn't sure just how late.

His hand moved over the small table that sat to his left. He felt around for a moment before it finally landed on a cool, smooth object. His phone, which he grabbed and pulled close to his face. Squinting his eyes in preparation, he hit the on button and a blinding light flowed over him. He quickly turned the brightness down before checking the clock: 2:43am. Wonderful.

With a frustrated groan, he let his hand fall loose, the phone hitting his chest a little too hard. He felt tired and yet he couldn't sleep no matter what he did. He tried playing music, rain, and white noise. Even complete silence! Yet here he was... Wide awake, at nearly 3am. Once 4am comes around that'll be it; he'll know for sure it's a sleepless night by then.

Maybe he could try rain again, but a storm this time? He did enjoy those. The sounds and flashing lights might catch him off guard sometimes, but there was something relaxing about them. The rustle of the trees outside. The rain pounding against the window. He almost wished it was actually storming out tonight.

If it was, he'd have a natural sound to focus on. The whistling of the wind could help lull him to sleep if the rain itself didn't. Or it might tempt him to go outside. Cool drops hitting his face; the thought was pleasant. His clothing would get absolutely soaked. Patton, Roman and maybe even Logan would all question why he'd do something like that. That soured the thought a little.

He just liked the feeling of the rain on his skin. "But couldn't you just get in the shower instead?" Roman might ask. The shower simply wouldn't be the same. It could emulate the rain, but not the sounds, or the smells; the general feeling of standing out in a storm.

No one used to really question stuff like this before. If anything they might have joined him in the rain. But that trail wasn't going to be a happy one to go down either. Why couldn't it just be raining out!

Virgil signed, running his fingers across the surface of his phone. The cool smooth texture kind of felt like water. Kind of.

All these thoughts about rain suddenly made him realize just how dry his mouth felt. However, when he looked to his right for his bottle, it wasn't anywhere to be found. He sat up and looked around the room. Nothing. Awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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