Moving on

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Jin, Ellie, and Joel were walking but Jin was getting a little tired due to his wound.

Ellie: Hey, railroad track.

Joel: Looks, like we're getting closer.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel walk towards the train car and they open it. Jin, Ellie, and Joel enter inside and Joel closes it. They then exit the train car by going through the hole. They climb up the ladder to see multiple guards and people being taken away.

Ellie: Shit.

Jin: That looks like the tall, round building.

Joel: By looking at how big the place is there must be tons of guards in the area.

Jin: We're gonna have to sneak by and kill some of them.

Joel: We do it silently. We can't cause an alarm.

Ellie: Right.

Jin: Lets go.

They dropped down but they couldn't find a way to get in. But luckily Ellie found one.

Ellie: Hey, through here.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel crawl under the train and they go through the broken fence. They hide behind the boxes as they see multiple guards around the area. Jin peeks his head out to see a guard playing with an infected.

Guard 1: *laughs* Come on! You can do it! Just a little closer, buddy!

Guard 2: Dude, leave him alone... he can't feel anything.

Guard 1: Fuck that. I promised him l'd do this to him.

Guard 2: This is such a fucked up hobby.

Guard 1: Bet you wish you didn't try and escape now, don't you, Anthony?

The guard walks away.

Jin: Hey, why don't we use that infected as a distraction.

Ellie: How are we going to do that?

Jin: Free him and let him roam around and kill the guards so we can sneak by.

Joel: Good plan. And maybe if we're lucky there could be more of these around.

Jin quietly walks towards the chain and he unhook it. The infected start running at the guard that played with him.

Guard 1: Oh, shit! AHHHHH!!!!

Jin, Ellie, and Joel quickly sneaked into the building as the guards quickly ran to kill the infected. Jin, Ellie, and Joel squeeze through the door. They walk into a room and they jump through the hole and they drop down on the other side.

Ellie: Tall round building. There it is.

Jin: Hey, more infected.

Joel: Let's free them.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel go around the pool as they were staying out of sight. Michael quietly walks up to the chain and he unhooks it. The infected then runs and screams looking for guards to kill.

Guard 3: Infected got loose!

Ellie: There's clickers on the other side.

Jim: Great.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel go through the doorway. Joel drops down and he quietly walks up to the chain andhe sets the two clickers free. Joel quickly runs back into hiding with Jin and Ellie.

Guard 4: Oh, shit, the clickers got out too!

Jin, Ellie, and Joel quickly sneak by and they go inside the building.

The Last of Us: Survive (Ellie x MOC) (AMWW)Where stories live. Discover now