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Kagome P.O.V

After a bit of chasing, we finally caught Grim, but he was squirming a lot in my arms

"Don't wanna! Don't wanna! I don't wanna go back to the boring classes!" Grim complained

"Fine. Don't go to class" Both Ace and Deuce looked surprised

"Really?!" Grim said looking happy

"Yeah, I'll just ask the headmaster to kick you out and take back your crystal since you don't want to attend any of the boring classes" I said, and Grim froze "Plus if you're gone, I wouldn't have to worry about buying food for the dorm. That might actually work out"

"I'll go! I'll go! Please don't get me kicked out!" Grim cried

"Good. If you complain again about classes then I'll let the headmaster know or maybe I'll ask Crewel-sensei to make a coat out of you" I threaten and Grim started to shake from fright "Now that's settled, how about we get something to eat?" I said as I started making my way to the cafeteria, but I did hear Ace and Deuce mumble something

"Dude, she really knows how to shut Grim up" Ace whispered

"No kidding" Deuce whispered back

"You guys! Are you coming?" I asked

"We're coming!" Both Ace and Deuce said as they both sped next to me as we made our way to the cafeteria


"Yeah! It's finally lunch time!!!" I see a lotta delicious stuff already!" Grim said as he looked at the selection of food

"How about you settle down first? I don't need you to bump into someone without paying attention" I said to Grim, but he wasn't listening

"Kagome! I wanna have some grilled chicken! Come on, there's only one left! Oh, and omelets too! And bread and jam! Go get them all!" Grim demanded as he stacked his tray full of food

'This is definitely gonna cost me a lot' I sweatdrop 'Guess it's a thing I have a job at Mostro Lounge, but I wonder when I'll start...' Then a shout broke my train of thought

"AH?! Hey, you bastard! My pasta's soft boiled is on the floor cause you bumped into me!" A delinquent student shouted

"Woah, woah, woah. Breaking the gooey egg is the best part of eating carbonara. How do you plan to pay for this?!" The delinquent's friend shouted

"Hand over that grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even" The delinquent said as he looked at the grilled chicken and was about to take it

"Ffgna?! Hell no! This is my chicken!" Grim shouted as he smacked the delinquent's hand away from his chicken

"Ah? Not showing your senpai respect as freshmen? Come around back!" The delinquent's friend said

"You two are our senpai? Funny, I would've mistaken you two as middle schoolers" I said bluntly and they glared at me

"What you say?!"

"I'm pretty sure you heard me. Or is your hearing already gone bad that you can't hear me" I said and they were gritting their teeth in anger

"You better watch it, girlie! Or else!" The delinquent threatened

"Or else what? Beat me up? Seriously, is threatening people the best you can do or something? If anything, you guys should work on fixing your attitudes if you want respect. Even little kids know better" I said

"Grr...! Forget it! My pasta's getting soggy, so I'll let you off easy!" The delinquent said as he and friend left

"Hmph! Those guys were all talk! And never come back!" Grim shouted and I pinched his cheek

Kagome in Twisted WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now