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Yin Mingzheng had only returned for three days, but the atmosphere in the base and among the civilians was already completely different.

The most apparent change was the smiles on everyone's faces,

Especially when Shi Qing came out to play. The little guy with a healing ability that was brought back by Yin Mingzheng loved to stroll around the streets.

There were plenty of people displaying their wares in the outskirts of the base. Most of it was a mixture of junk left over after the Insects invaded and items made by artisans to support their families after moving into the base.

They often had a flaw such as a weak body or a lame leg that prevented them from finding employment as a manual labourer or a soldier, which is why they could only think of other ideas to survive.

Before Shi Qing came, rarely anyone bothered to buy these things.

After all, who had spare cash to spend on baubles these days?

But Shi Qing simply adored them. Ants made from grass, baskets woven from branches, and a video game console from before the apocalypse that was ancient to him.

His mouth might arrogantly say "You humans are so backwards when it comes to technology", but his body sincerely worked to buy it all up. He was like a little mouse working hard to stockpile his stash, buying a whole bunch of strange trinkets every day.

Yin Mingzheng had to dedicate an entire room in his not too small house to Shi Qing's growing collection.

The citizens welcomed Shi Qing not only because he was a big spender, but also because of his healing ability.

Although Shi Qing was brought back by Yin Mingzheng, he didn't become part of his squad of ability users. He couldn't be deployed onto the battlefield either. From the time his ability manifested, if he wasn't treating Yin Mingzheng's injuries then he was using his abilities in exchange for goods during his shopping spree.

In the eyes of many, he got the short end of the deal.

That was a healing ability!

Even in the squad that gathered all of the base's elite ability users, there was only one healer.

And since there was a limit to how much he could heal, his services were limited to military personnel. Regular civilians couldn't even catch a glimpse of his face.

Then Shi Qing appeared.

This beautiful youngster with an innocent face was quick to agree when a hawker begged him to treat his child during his daily stroll.

As Shi Qing stood before the healed child, he became a Buddha-like figure to many onlookers.

The brass of the base quickly caught word of the situation and sent a representative to hint to Yin Mingzheng to keep a closer eye on Shi Qing. He was an ability user, so he should be behaving like one. How could he waste his powers to heal citizens that contributed little to the base? Someone with a rare ability like Shi Qing should serve all of humanity instead.

If it was the him from before, Yin Mingzheng would definitely agree.

He used to be that kind of sincere fool. As long as someone said that it would benefit everyone, he was willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to make it happen.

But now, Yin Mingzheng saw the smart computer's simulation results.

He slowly changed.

After he returned, the base's management immediately presented him with the corpses of the people who assaulted him and dragged him onto the plane. Even the pilot wasn't spared.

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