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A string of cries is heard inside in one of the Ragnivdir manors' rooms

The patriarch of the Ragnivdir family paced outside of his and his wifes master bedroom

It has been a few hours since Crepus' wifes contractions, and it has been 4 hours, 4 minutes, and 3 seconds since she started to give labour—

Alright... he was panicking— but rightfully so—


He started to hear a baby's cry inside the room

He opened the door and saw the midwife and doctor with his wife

The midwife handed the clean baby jn its hands to his wife

He swore he was gonna die from how worried he was—

He walked over to his wife, who began to cradle the baby in her arms

The baby slowly opened its eyes, its seemingly blue eyes similar to that of his mother

The woman wiped her eyes, feeling tears drip down as she chuckled

Crepus' face had a smile as he watched his wife chuckle

"So... What are we gonna name him..?" She asked, looking at her husband, tilting her head

And in turn— their son followed suit, tilting their head to the side

Crepus felt his heart tighten at the sight


"Hm.... How about


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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