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Night, the Iron Throne looms in the great room, the blades of the conqueror's enemies, an indication of House Targaryen power, that could command or control any lord or vassal across the nation

The iron throne illuminates against the candles in the chandeliers and torches that was lit on the walls. Daemon stared at his brother's seat for a while before proceeding to climb the dias, to sit on it.

He is aware of which blades were sharp and which were dull, so he avoided cutting himself on the throne, for a moment he imagined himself being King.

He felt he belonged here, not Maegor, not the unborn heir Mellario carried in her womb, not even his niece Rheanyra, no one.

This seat was his and his alone, but soon he'll be replaced by his nephew.

Irritated, Daemon frowns, sighing, he stand up and descends the throne and gave one last look at the iron seat, before exiting the room, the Heir's Tournament was in three weeks, he must put the capital in order to avoid any calamities, tonight he and his gold cloaks must mark their territory in Kings Landing.

Dealing with politics bored him, and sitting in council meetings irritated him the most, especially breathing the same air with Otto Hightower. The Hand will keep planting seeds of doubts in his brother to rid him off due to their rivalry.

Daemon sees Otto as a pretender, a leech, an ambitious man, greedy for power and station and Maegor is blind to see that Otto is preying on him for his own selfish gains as well as the rest of them in the Small Council.

Nonetheless, being commander of the City Watch allowed Daemon to gain the title 'Prince of the City'.

During the end of the reign of his late brother Viserys the city watch was poorly coordinated, despite the crowns laws, crime rates were high and enforcements were low.

The gold cloaks were randomly trained with hired goons from lowborn homes. But when Maegor named him their new commander, many young high born men joined and equity amongst them was strengthened.

Daemon reminds them of their military installments and responsibilities for the Seven Kingdoms, he even urged the crown to invest in their military services, and within a year the gold cloaks numbered 3,000 strong.

Assuming the office, has given him an ability to hone is skills and make a mark. Being a rogue prince with two sides of good and evil was a balanced mesure. He re-formed and reorganized the weak men in the gold cloaks, re-equipped and gave them a perfect standing in Kings Landing.

Many loved him, few despised him, some hated him, to some he was a hero, to others a villain, to the realm, he is the heir to the iron throne, and to Maegor, he will forever remain his brother.

The City Watch's barracks is fortified like a stronghold. Daemon dresses himself. He fits on black ring mail armor and straps a hauberk across his waist which carries a Valyrian steel sword called dark sister. It's a hand-and-a-half type with a black, leather wrapped hilt. Lastly, he fastens on a gold cloak over his shoulders.

He then rises and goes out to meet his men.

Daemon marches out into the courtyard of the barracks. The gates to the city are sealed. The prince's hair is long and pin-straight, and it shines like beaten silver. Daemon exudes a dark charisma; he is a very dangerous man.

Standing beside him is one of the seven gate captains, Captain Randyll Barret, a common-born man with highborn ambitions.

He follows Daemon with loyal fervor. Boots stomp on the ground, and many of the watchmen bang their armor of their breastplates with their wooden cudgels.

To Love A King || Maegor Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now