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Its Lunch Time Tims at work they decided now that they are engaged they would move into Tims house as its bigger and has more space and a backyard Aria and Kojo can play in Aria is in a
Mood today though
Lucy:come on Ari we are gonna go have lunch with daddy
They get to the food trucks and meet with Tim.
Aria:snow cone
Lucy:you have to eat your lunch first baby
Lucy:yes aria
Aria:i said noooo
Tim:no mam we don't scream or tell mommy no is that clear
Aria:yes daddy
Tim:say sorry
Aria:sorry mommy
Lucy:thank you eat Lunch and then mommy will buy you a snow cone ok
They eat lunch and get her a snow cone but she was still being grouchy Tim tried to take a bite of her snow cone so she hit him
Lucy:Aria Michelle Bradford no mam
Tim:we don't hit people hear me
Lucy looks at Tim
Lucy:i think someone needs an N-A-P
Tim:me too
Lucy:wish you were home i could make you do it
Tim:sorry i would if i could
Lucy:i know i love you be safe
Tim:i will
Lucy:come on baby time to go back home
They get home and Lucy picks Aria up
Lucy:you need a bath your all sticky from that snow cone
Aria:yay bath
Lucy puts her in the bath and washes her and plays a bit then gets her dried off and into a pair
Of leggings and a t shirt and carries her to her
Lucy:ok its nap Time baby
Lucy:yes you need to nap so you have lots of energy for when daddy gets home and you play with him on your new jungle gym
Aria:mm fine
She gives Lucy her little pouty face and Lucy turns off her light she walks out of the room and
Her phone pings
Text from Tim:
Tim:how is it going there
Lucy:just got her down
Tim:did she fight you
Lucy:not to bad
Tim:good ill see you when i get home
Lucy:i love that home includes Aria and i
Tim:always my love i gotta go love you
Lucy:love you too
Tim gets home a few hours later and sees Lucy in the kitchen making dinner
Tim:where Tiny boot
Lucy:i thought we got rid of that name
Tim:and lose the first nickname i gave her no way
Lucy:she is playing in her room still in a mood
Tim walks into Arias room
Tim:daddy's home
She jumps up and runs into Tims arms so he would pick her up
Tim:have we been grumpy today
Tim:thats not what mommy said
Aria:mommy not fun
Tim:thats not nice baby mommy loves you
Very much
Aria:ok sorry
Tim:love you baby
Aria:wove you too mommy said you would play wif me on my new play set after work
Tim:she did huh
Tim:what are we waiting for then lets go
Aria grabs his hand and pretty much drags him outside
Lucy comes out and watches them a few minutes later and sees Tim pushing her on a swing
Aria:higher daddy higher
Tim:just a little more but not to much higher ok
He continued to push her and Aria sees Lucy standing there
Aria:play with us mommy
Lucy:what should i do
Aria:daddy push you too heard her hop on
Lucy sits on the other swing next to Aria and Tim pushes both of them
A little later
Lucy:ok you two dinner is waiting for us come on
They go in and Tim sits Aria in her little booster at the table
They eat dinner and then watch Aria play a little
Tim:ok munchkin bed time
Aria:no I don't wanna
Tim:sorry baby but it is bed time
Tim picks her up and she starts throwing a major tantrum they get her changed and into pjs and try to lay her down but when they walk out of the room she runs after them Tim picks her up and brings her back to her bed and walks out again she does it a few more times
Tim:Aria Michelle if you come out of that room again your going in time out tomorrow instead of playing she stays in her room but screams and cries
Lucy:what is wrong with her
Tim:shes being a toddler Luce its what they do
Lucy:i hate hearing her cry
Tim:i know
It eventually goes quiet and Tim opens the door to Aria room and sees her asleep on the floor
Tim:im gonna move her onto her bed
He picks her up puts her in bed and kisses her head then walks out and they go to bed
The next day Tim is again working but Angela is off and Lucy and Aria go to meet the baby
Aria:mommy whats in her mouth
Lucy:thats a pacifier baby
Aria:why she have it
Lucy:well it helps her stay calm love she sucks on it
Aria:can i have one
Lucy:i think your a bit to old baby
Angela:Jack had one until he was 4 in a half on and off
Lucy:i guess it can't hurt maybe then she will actually lay down without a fight for once
Angela:does she fight
Lucy:ever since we took the bottle away
Angela:maybe this will help then
Lucy decide it was worth a shot so they went to the store after and bought a couple
Lucy gives her one after they get home and she puts it in her mouth and runs over to the couch and lays down to watch her movie Lucy is actually relieved she usually has to fight her to get her to lay down for a bit when Tim comes home early he sees her past out on the couch

you heard her hop on Lucy sits on the other swing next to Aria and Tim pushes both of them A little later Lucy:ok you two dinner is waiting for us come on They go in and Tim sits Aria in her little booster at the table They eat dinner and then wat...

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Tim:what with the Pacifier
Lucy:Angela gave me the idea actually and it worked she finally went to sleep on her own without a fight
Lucy:why you home early
Tim:might of pissed off Grey
Tim:I can't help it Nolans Rook was being stupid and i went off
Lucy:you need to start controlling your outbursts at work
Tim:you make it sound like i always do this
Lucy:no you don't but you always get mad
Tim:ill do better
Lucy:thank you
Aria wakes up and walks over to Tim and puts her arms up for him to pick her up and Tim takes her back to the couch and lays with her

Tim:what with the Pacifier Lucy:Angela gave me the idea actually and it worked she finally went to sleep on her own without a fight Tim:nice Lucy:why you home early Tim:might of pissed off Grey Lucy:Tim Tim:I can't help it Nolans Rook was being st...

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How they lay together^^^

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