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In the previous chapter we come to know that Nitin has been infected by the vaccine and changes start happening in his body or Prof.Harry or Anna has come to know that Nitin has taken the para vaccine.  And now the real game of zombies will begin in the school.....

Student 1:She looks and gets shocked.. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
(she screams loudly).....

She sees a man eating a student's leg.
And that man was none other than Nitin.

Some students come there after hearing her voice......

And Nitin looks at them with a creepy smile..............

Seeing Nitin in this condition, all the students present there could not understand what was happening in such a long time, the boy whose leg was being eaten by Nitin. That boy also started behaving strangely. Nitin had eaten from his thigh.Nitin then stands up and all the students present there were watching him from a distance and Nitin attacks the girl who screamed after seeing him….

After that, the boy who was now infected also stands up and starts running towards the other students...And Nitin eats the side of that girl's throat...The students present there start running to save their lives. But there was a lot of chaos due to the crowd.And now that girl had also become infected and was infecting other students….Now many students there had become infected...

Everything was quiet where the exhibition was taking place Because the place where all this was happening was towards the third building of the school.Or the exhibition was on the ground of the first building.

In a little while the teachers and students present there felt the sound of shouting coming from the left side....,

Ms Nitya : This sound of shouting is coming, has there been a fight among the students or has there been some other problem?Sir, let's go and see...
....,She tells Omkar, the maths teacher(Also Vyan's father)...,

Omkar : Yes mom, let's go...

Both of them are moving forward...

Just then a huge crowd of students comes from there.

Everyone was surprised to see those students running like that. No one understood anything...

Then a boy who was at the forefront of the crowd started shouting, "Run away from here, zombies are around, some students are being eaten."

Everyone was surprised to hear this...

There was chaos there too…someone was running somewhere and someone else was running somewhere else. Many also became victims of zombies….

Vyan, Parth and Sara were also unable to understand anything.....,

Parth: What nonsense is happening?,

Sara : Parth, this is not the time to talk about all this, we have to save ourselves right now.Don't even know where Mahi is...,

Then they see the Vyan which was coming towards them...

Then Vyan is attacked by an infected girl but Vyan saves himself....,


Mahi, who was standing near the water pump was also surprised to see all this… She was scared after seeing all this. But she guessed that all this was happening because of Prof. Harry.....,...,

Mahi escapes from there but a zombie is about to attack her, she hits a metal water bottle on his head. And runs away from there...,


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