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"Hongjoong~" I heard San whining.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Can we go out and get something to eat? You know, like a quick snack. I just need some time to get my mind off all this work they're giving us." He replied, a pout now forming on his face.

"Yeah sure, I know this great café and it's really close by." San immediately jumped up from the couch and smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for? Come on, let's go!" He grabbed onto my wrist and yanked me out the door.

We very quickly arrived at the café. "Wow, were you that eager to go out? You literally yanked me along as you ran." I said, extremely out of breath from the very sudden and unexpected running.

"I just needed an excuse to procrastinate." He said as he stood beside me, seemingly unfazed by all that running we had just done.

"Come on, let's go inside." He smiled as he pulled me along to go inside the café.

"Oh hey Hongjoong." Wooyoung beamed as we walked through the door.

"Oh, I didn't notice you were here with someone else. Sorry to bother you." His face had gone bright red as he looked at San.

"That's okay, I'm sure San doesn't mind." I giggled.

"Well um we're gonna go take a seat." I said as I pushed San along, he was in what seemed like a trance as he stared at Wooyoung.

"Oh of course." He chuckled nervously.

"Why do pretty people have to be so pretty?" San whined as his head hit the table.

"Damn if I made you blush you could've just said so." I smirked.

"Shut up, I wasn't talking about you." He glared at me as he lifted his head back up, this now revealing the pink blush on his cheeks.

"Then who's beauty were you referring to if not mine?" I questioned with my brow raised.

"That guy who greeted you when we walked in." He mumbled, not able to make eye contact with me.

"Wooyoung?!" My eyes widened.

"Ugh, even his name is pretty." He whined as he sunk into his seat.

"Hey guys, you ready to order yet?" Wooyoung asked with a smile as he came up to our table, notepad and pen in hand.

"Oh yeah of course." I smiled back.

"The usual I assume." He said as he looked towards me, I quickly gave him a nod of reassurance.

"And for you?" He asked, this time looking over at San.

"Oh, uh, I'm not really sure what to get. Is there anything you would recommend." San asked him, a slight blush present on his face.

"Hmmm, well the choco bread is really good! And for a drink, I really like the thai milk tea." Wooyoung beamed.

"Oh well I'll get those two then." San replied.

"Wonderful, it'll be a little bit of a longer wait since today's been more of a busy day. I hope that's okay." He spoke as he put the notepad and pen in the pocket of his apron.

"Of course, it's no problem." San replied almost instantly.

"Alrighty, I'll be back later with your stuff." He said before leaving to attend to some more customers.

San sunk into his seat again with a pout on his face. "Pretty people make me nervous." He spoke through a pout.

"Yes, I can see that." I chuckled at how much he resembled a sulky five year old.

"How dare you laugh at me." He glared at me, but I just smiled at how adorable he looked.

"Anyways, what's got you wanting to procrastinate so much?" I asked.

"The work for math. I literally have no idea what's going on in that class. I think I'm gonna fail it." He pouted some more.

"I could help you if you want." I suggested.

"REALLY?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, I'd be happy to help you out." I gave him a small smile.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU!" He beamed as he got up from his seat and gave me a big hug.

I smiled as I hugged him back, "You're welcome. Oh, I think Wooyoung is gonna come over here with the food."

San's eyes widened and he quickly went back to his seat and fixed up his hair. I just chuckled at his actions.

"Here you are." Wooyoung spoke as he put down the food and drinks.

"Thank you." I said as I gave him a smile. "No problem, I hope you enjoy it." He smiled back.

"Joong what is that?" San asked with furrowed brows as he pointed to the pink piece of paper attached to my drink.

"Nothing." I spoke as I quickly detached the paper and hid it from San.

"Stop being childish and let me see." San chuckled as he stuck his hand out.

"No." I shook my head at him.

"Oh come on, how is it that I'm the one being less childish when I'm younger than you." San said.

"Hmph, fine." I pouted as I handed him the note.

"Ooooooo, what's this? Do you have a secret admirer?" San smirked as he handed me back the note.

"I don't know, maybe." I mumbled, avoiding making eye contact with him.

"Well they called you pretty." San smirked.

My eyes widened, "What?!"

I immediately looked at the paper in my hands, "Hi! Hope you got a good grade on your essay. But anyways, I just wanted to say you look really pretty today <3' was written on it.

"Oooooo, someone's blushing." San teased, that evil smirk still present on his face.

"Shut up." I punched his arm, my cheeks dusted a light pink.

"Oh, there's something written on the back." San pointed out as he looked at the note.

My brows furrowed as I turned over the colorful paper. And surprisingly enough, there was more writing. 'I hope you don't find these notes creepy.'
There were two boxes drawn underneath it. One saying, 'yes, leave me alone' and the other, 'no, I don't mind them'

"Do you have something to write with?" I asked as I looked back up at San.

"Uh, no sorry." He said as he finished searching through his bag and pockets.

"Dang it." I mumbled.

"I have a pen." Wooyoung had popped up out of nowhere and was standing right next to our table. His sudden appearance made me jump.

"Oh, thanks." I smiled as I took the pen from his hand.

I quickly checked one of the boxes and gave Wooyoung back his pen.

"I can give it to him if you want." He spoke.

"Give who what?" I questioned, confused as to what he was referring to.

"I'll give your admirer the note." He replied with a smile.

"Oh, uh, sure, thanks." I gave Wooyoung the note and he looked at it with a smirk before leaving our table.

I watched as he went through the employees only door. I tried to see who was inside through the small opening Wooyoung had made when he opened it.

Sadly I was only able to see the back of the person's head. But at least it was something. Right?

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