Chapter Eight: A Different Perspective

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Benny sat in his music studio, the familiar walls surrounding him with their chaos of sheet music and instruments. The grand piano, his faithful companion, stood at the center of the room, ready to receive the caresses from his fingers. He had spent countless hours here, pouring his soul into the keys, but lately, his thoughts were miles away in Mallorca, where Frida was.

When Frida first told him that she was going to Mallorca, his initial impulse was to follow her, to tell her that he himself would be there in a matter of weeks for a concert. But he knew that would only push her further away. He didn't want her to feel like he was bringing more pressure to meet again sooner, to reconcile quicker. Instead, he kept his distance, hoping that fate might offer them another opportunity to meet again in Mallorca, even if just by chance.

In the meantime, Benny had thrown himself into his work. A few months ago, his friend Christina, one of the organizers of the winter concert, had approached him with a proposal. She needed new songs for the event and wanted Benny to be the one to write them. It was an honor he couldn't refuse, especially given his deep respect for Christina and the cause the concert supported. So he set himself to work composing. Benny was always in his studio, he composed new songs every day and he wouldn't stop until he was completely satisfied that the new songs would be good enough for the concert.

"Christina," he had said when they first discussed the project, "I'm not so sure about this. For a while now, I haven't composed anything that's been performed live. Are you sure I'm the writer you're looking for?"

Christina spoke so enthusiastically, there was no room for doubt. "Benny, your talent is timeless. Besides, we need someone with your experience and passion. The concert will feature various artists, and we're still deciding on a singer for your pieces. But your music will be the heart of the performance! We want the Benny Andersson touch! The ABBA vibe."

"The ABBA vibe" Benny rolled his eyes when he heard those words. For a long time he had tried to separate himself from the group. It mostly served to bring back feelings of regret at this point. Regret for his choices, his actions, how things ended.

But still, Benny had accepted the challenge, immersing himself in the creative process. He spent weeks crafting melodies that related with his deepest emotions, his longing, regret, and hope was poured into the new songs. The music was deeply personal, inspired by his journey and, inevitably, his memories of Frida. The song he had decided to feature as the main, headlining track was going to be called 'Love For Me Is Love Forever', a title they had once considered for an ABBA song. The lyrics spoke of a Love that never grows cold, a feeling between two lovers that would never truly die as long as they could hold each other's hands and face the world together. This song was was written for her, for Frida, and in his heart, Benny knew that.

As the concert date grew closer, Benny's anticipation grew. He was nervous, not just because he would be playing the melodies for his new songs but because the mystery of who would sing them lingered in the back of his mind. Christina had told him that the singer would be exceptional, but he couldn't help but wonder who could bring his songs to life in the way he wanted them to. When he had written them, he had a particular kind of voice in mind and Benny had always been a perfectionist and he was feeling that now more than ever.

One particularly cold evening, as he practiced in his studio, Christina called him with an update. "Benny, I think you'll be pleased with our choice of singer. We finally made a decision."

"Who is it?" Benny asked, trying to sound casual while his heart raced.

Christina chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough. Just know she's perfect for your music."

Despite her reassurance, Benny's anxiety lingered. He continued his rigorous practice sessions, determined to give a flawless performance, regardless of who the singer might be.

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