The Execution

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(An Execution. on who? Come and find out!)

Mk's POV:

"Alright, Listen up dorky mortals!" Monkey king exclaimed, ignoring the fact that the circlet is still on his head "The most important part is knowing what you're up against, Got it? Good. First we got Peng, *cough* A coward *cough*, Is a good fighter, surprisingly... But what they mostly care about is themselves, if they see the battle turning against them, they'll flee, so Mei, Macaque and Mk can handle them! Then we got Azure, The royal duo got this!" Monkey king then grabbed Nezha with his tail and wrapped one arm around the prince's neck as the prince blushes in embarrassment. "As for you... I have no idea what to do with you..." He said while pointing his finger to Yellow tusk, "As if ill work with you." Yellow tusk growled "Alright.. Mk and the others TORTURE him." Everyone stared at Monkey king is shock "just kidding, geez, just try and convince him or get your weapons back." Everyone them sighed in relief.

Wukong's POV:

'do they ever get a joke?' 'Ofc not Sun Wukong, they're mortals, what did you expect, plus you really think this is going to work? considering the circlet.' Lbd mentioned. I stayed silent and ignored her. 'rude much, "great sage" geez.' Lbd complained. i rolled my eyes and turned to the gang. "Alright! leggo!!" Mk exclaimed. As soon as we step foot outside we were introduced to a beam of light as i stood in front of everyone to protect them. "Hey there apes." Peng introduced.
Macaque being the short tempered immediately pounced on Peng sending them both through a shadowportal. 'this is all going according to plan.' I proudly said 'you sure about that?' Lbd asked, and i turned to see Azure going after Peng, but i immediately held him with my tail and threw him away, everyone got the signal and the plan sprang into action.

no one's POV:

Wukong and Nezha chased after Azure as Mk and Mei hid in Macaque's shadow. Pigsy held up a tied up Yellow tusk and said "give us our weapons!" "no"
Wukong charged at Azure but was pinned down, Nezha saw this and throw his spear at Azure. Azure dodged it but was grabbed with the red rope thing (im calling it rope ok?) and throw Azure through a mountain, and helped Wukong up while grabbing his spear. "Well, we make a pretty good team huh, baby prince?" Wukong teased "Shut up Simian..." Nezha said before turning his and Wukong's attention to Azure.
"Wukong, you're really siding with them?" Azure yelled "Yeah, my place is with Mk. Where ever he is, I follow." Wukong said sternly. "so be it." Azure said before charging his sword to Nezha.

With Tang:

"Please help us, don't you see what's happening?" Tang said before pointing to the sky, it had multiple cracks on it. "I cant do that, I cant betray my brothers, im sorry." Yellow tusk said before turning his head "Please-" Before Sandy could finish We all heard a blood curling scream...

With Macaque:

As Macaque was fighting Peng, He was on the defensive "Peng, straight up, I have never liked you." As soon as Macaque said that Mei and Mk summoned their weapons, coming out of Macaque's shadow and ambushed Peng, unfortunately, Peng managed to dodged their attacks. As they fought, they heard a blood curling scream and turned around to see three kaijus, three headed, six armed version of Wukong AND Nezha, while Azure in his emperor form.

Mk's POV:

"Monkey king!"  I shouted as monkey king's kaiju version fell on his knees, clenching his head and screaming in agony.. I looked over at Macaque and Mei as they gave me a nod of approval, i returned the nod and sped off to monkey king on my own cloud.

Nezha's POV:

As i saw Wukong screaming in agony I shouted quickly "stop!" as i threw one of my fire rings at azure with made him stop as he held his head. I looked at Wukong as he was gasping heavily and his breathing was uneven. I then saw Mk zip by on his cloud as he knelt down by Wukong. Wukong turned back into his normal form and reassured the kid as he was extremely worried for Wukong.
I turned back to Azure who got up, I was still in my kaiju form so i readied for battle. Azure tried to land a punch behind Wukong's back I rushed to Wukong and shielded him. he turned around and yelled "Nezha! Careful!" He still cared despite his weak state. He rushed to me and punched Azure sending him flying into a mountain. "Back off you fuc-" Mk gently placed his hand on Wukong's shoulder as he calmed down.

no one's POV:

"Lets end this." Wukong said, Mk and Nezha nodding. Nezha raiser his fire ring and multiplied their size as they held Azure down just for Mk and Wukong to stab the staff through Azure's heart. Azure turned to pecks of light as the jade emperor's power became uncontrollable. Wukong jumped in and started to create a sealing spell. Nezha soon joined and sealed the power in a lotus flower. "don't let me steal it this time, baby prince" Wukong teased, but got smacked in the head by Nezha's rope. Tang, Pigsy and Sandy may have failed to convince Yellow tusk but later got their weapons and yellow tusk got thrown in the celestial realm's prison. Peng on the other hand fled and is nowhere to be found..

Everyone else caught up to Mk, Wukong and Nezha. "This calls for a celebration! whos in!?" Wukong eagerly asked. "Im in!" everyone answers


(I hope you like this, i put a lot of effort into this, and see you all next time, enjoy your day/night!)
words: 982

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