Miss Murder

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  • Dedicated to Samantha, for the idea

this is my murder story...little end of year thing.....i have to thank a friend of mine for editing the picture and letting me use her facebookto put it up....this is going to be told in the killers point of view, i'm sorry to anyone offended by this...sorta....not really......song on repeat= sarcasm by get scared.......

PS..there will be a twist at the end....just to let you know


    Only one day left till I'm free. The thought was exciting. Almost as exciting as what I was about to do. I'd already done it once, a few months before I moved here. Everything was ready. As for the victim, he was downstairs waiting for me.

 "Hon, are you ready? You don't want to be late for the last day, do you?"

"I'm coming. No ones taking attendance, we could show up a minute before dismissal, and no one would care."

"Still, don't you want to tell everyone good bye?"

"Sure," I said, coming down the stairs.

After today, no one will hear or see from either of us again. He will be dead, and i will have disappeared.

"Lets go," Rob said.

"Alright," I said, acting like I cared, too.

Locking the door behind me, I went out to get in his car. His body would be found in the bed of that old Ford pickup, only a few hours later. And I would be gone.

I had it all planned out. I even had a suicide note that he'd written a few months before I came and met him. He said I saved his life, which was ironic, as I was going to be the one to end it. I took the letter, almost as easily as I was going to take his life.

It was the perfect murder. He had no one but me. His parents were dead, he had no siblings, and he was the outcast of the school. And it would look like suicide.

It was a simple plan really, we would be sitting in the back of the truck like usual, and we would be holding hands. I would distract him, and when he would least expect it, I would slash his wrist, and kill him.

Even thinking about it got me jittery, waiting for the real thing.

"Nikky. Nikky, are you even listening to me?" Rob's talking snapped me out of my fantasy.

"Sorry, Rob.......I zoned out. I'm just so psyched out about school ending. No more waking up at 6 every morning, just to be made fun of, or eating that mush they call food."

"Its okay....I know exactly how you feel. I could barely sleep last night, I was so happy."

"Only three hours till freedom. Now lets go before we're late."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time warp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


 It might have been my imagination, but time seemed to slow down during the last few seconds.

But what was I complaining for? We were free. And there were mere hours until my plan went through, and Rob was dead.

Fighting my way through the masses of airheads, tearfully hugging each other and saying how much they'll miss one another, I spotted Rob. I waved at him, to let him know I was coming.

When I reached him, he opened my door and went around, being oddly formal. I hope he doesn't do something stupid and screw up my plan. I'd worked on this plan too long for it to be screwed up.                                                                                            

We didn't really talk much on the way to my house. Once we were there, we agreed to meet up at the lake to watch the sunset. It was a place only we knew about. It was nearly impossible tp get to, and one of those 'no one can hear you scream' places.

I went into the house as soon as he left. I showered quickly, and got ready. I put my lip ring in, the school policy doesn't allow it, so its usually the first thing I do when I'm home. Then I slid into my favorite pair of skinnies and a tee shirt from a concert ages ago. 

I'm not quite sure of what etiquette says is appropriate for this sort of thing, but I look hot to say the least. Ithrew the few things I had here with me into my bag, and put it in my car.

In my pocket went my newest, sharpest blade, and I was ready to go.

I went back in to do a last quick sweep of the place. It was empty from top to bottom, so I figured I was good to go.

I got in my car and drove as close to the lake as I could get. Then I got out and went the last little bit on foot. My little car couldn't make it over the rest of the rough terrain, but Rob's truck could.

He was already there when I got there. He was setting up a small picnic on the truck bed. I would have to make sure it was cleaned up before I killed him.

Once he'd noticed me standing a few feet away, he smiled and told me to get up on the truck.

After I was up, we started eating, filling in the empty space with small talk, which both of us suck at. We ended up talking about the weather. But then we were done eating, and cleaning up.

My pules quickened in excitement. I had the blade out of my pocket, and we were holding hands. Everything was going according to plan. Staring into his eyes to distract him, i readied the blade.

I drew it close to gain enough momentum as to fully slash his wrist. As I began to jerk it towards his wrist, his other hand moved, lightning fast, garbbing the blade from my hand.

"What were you going to do with this, Nikky? Kill me?" He let out a peal of humorless laughter.

His voice turned hard. "I don't think so."

With the last word, he swept the blade hard across both my wrists, catching me by suprise.

I let out a gasp, watching the crimson pour from my body, unbelievably fast.

I felt the edges of reality blurring, and everything went black.


so thats m ystory....how'd you like the plot twist at the end. i was goin gto give rob more, but i'm too tired to. let me know what you think.


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