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I woke up, it was Thursday what happened yesterday was Crazy, come to think of it murder was committed. Casey dropped me off at my house last night, As I entered my house, I saw my mom sitting in our living room chair, hanging up the phone, turns out it was the police who contacted my mom That I was involved or present in the scene. I was scolded, of course, I apologized and my mom reminded me the police would call again or call me to go to the station for clarifications or questions.

I was Pouring milk on my cereal when my mother got the TV remote and turned on the TV, our local news was the one that immediately appeared,

Reporter: "At this exact house After a party,17-yr old Chris was found dead, murdered, one stab wound on his left arm and with the neck slit, Witnesses say they found Brett Anderson (Son of the CEO of Anderson Co.) Holding the knife that was used to murder chris. Authorities are taking care of the suspect and we are deeply sorry for the Davis family"

My mother who was standing while watching glanced at me giving a look that looked like an "I-Hate-you-for-getting-involved" Look.
I saw how the milk was already filling the bowl almost instantly. So I stopped and immediately put it on the counter.

After I ate my Cereal, My mother dropped me off at school. As I entered the school door in the hallway people looked, whispered, and glanced as if they were not even pretending. I saw Haley and Casey standing at my locker talking and waiting for me.

I approached them
"Why the hell are people glancing at us" I asked them as I interrupted their conversation.

"Haven't you seen Amanda's Instagram post?, It's about Chris" Casey asked me
"No, why?"  I asked again

"Apparently after Amanda posted  at 2 am, Many people privately chatted with Amanda about what happened  well in her story  our names were involved," Haley said while showing the post

"Yeah, I asked Brittany in Amanda's class she told me that many people already knew that we were in the scene. I mean common gossip spreads fast" Casey said

"Btw are you guys called to the police station to be asked again?" Haley asked
"Yeah" Casey replied
"Yeah, me too," I said

Then the bell rings it's time for our first class, and I immediately go to my classroom Casey goes to hers and Haley also goes to hers. Chris is my classmate, my classmates glanced at me, and I kept looking at his empty seat, his table filled with letters. It felt sad.

_____________During lunch____________

During lunch the three of us Casey, Haley, and I sat at the spot where we usually sit, on the right I glanced at Amanda crying, Being cheered up by her Friends.

Near us were Brett's friends, they were talking so loud. They talked about how Their two friends Chris and Brett is gone. They do not believe that Brett killed Chris, they said he wasn't like that, They even said that he didn't display any violent reactions and was on the verge of killing someone he just wasn't like it. Then they predicted that his past the incident where her mother was stabbed by her abusive stepfather, gave him the motive to do such a thing. I tried not to mind but there mouth is so loud I can't help to eavesdrop

Then I suddenly remember Casey's phone and what took her so long
"Hey Casey"  then glanced at Casey
"Yeah?" She said while eating her burger
"You found your phone? What took you so long?"

After I said that Casey was silent, so silent. Then Haley gave me that  "that's-what-I-was-thinking" look

Casey then responded casually
"Yeah I found it on the desk or table near the mirror, I couldn't look for it in the living room then I saw it in the desk"
I asked her a question that I thought she clearly knew.
"The one in the near the kitchen?" I asked her
"Yep, something wrong?" She replied while biting the last piece of her burger

Something felt wrong
"No, nothing," I said

Haley just glanced at me and we made eye contact. Haley and I know there were no tables and mirrors near the kitchen, It was upstairs in outside Brett's room. Why did she agree when I said it was near the kitchen, It gave me suspicions about what was she doing. And if she knew or heard what happened.

MURDER MYSTERY:Uncovering,who killed Him?Where stories live. Discover now