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The feeling kept coming back the whole day at random moments and I got sick of it. I needed some fresh air.

It was around 10 p.m. when I stepped outside, I was wearing my usual baggy jeans and band T-shirt outfit combo. I hadn't bothered to comb my hair in days, so it was extremely messy. I didn't care. Once I opened the door, the cold night wind hit my face. I shivered a bit, but I started walking. It was already getting dark outside. I saw how the streetlights turned on. Even if  I was freezing outside in just a T-shirt, I enjoyed ambling around the streets for a bit.The light night breeze felt somewhat nice when it blew through my hair.

After some more wandering, I ended up in a place I didn't recognize.It didn't have cars parked everywhere like in my neighborhood and there were little to no streetlights.I'm not the type of person to be scared of sketchy places like these. It's quite the opposite. They excite me. So I started wandering around further.After some more walking, I stood still and looked around, enjoying the feeling of the outside air.

The moment I stopped walking, I heard a voice, it came from behind me. It didn't necessarily sound very friendly, it was a cold voice. A little raspy even.

"Hello kiddo, do you know the way to Columbus road?"

I turned around to see whose voice it was.

In front of me was standing a tall muscular man with wavy black hair to his shoulders. He was wearing a black blouse paired with a black tailored coat that had a small silver chain hanging from one side of the jacket to connect it to the other side.

I stared up at his face, he had sharp features and gray eyes. He looked me up and down through his silver glasses.

He seemed to be waiting for an answer.

I quickly cleared my throat. "I'm sorry sir, this is an unknown place for me too." I said softly, feeling a bit intimidated by his presence.

His eyes narrowed and scanned me from tip to toe once more.

"What is your name, kiddo?" He asked in that same cold voice. I hesitated about telling him my real name. Was he trustworthy?

I told him the truth: "My name is Kallias, sir." He could probably tell that I hesitated about telling my name, but he didn't mention it. He just kept looking at me with those piercing eyes.

"Kallias hm." He repeated my name, it sounded different when it came from him. "I'm Rhett, the given address was wrong then." Rhett mumbled the last part.

It made me curious. I wanted to ask what he was talking about. I realized I couldn't really be nosy with a stranger, especially not with a serious looking man like him. Instead, I muttered: "Nice to meet you." The man gave a small nod of recognition.

He stood there, all silent for a little bit. I was about to say goodbye but he stopped me: "Come with me." I wanted to protest, but he took my wrist and dragged me with him. "So Kallias, how old are you?" Yet again I hesitated to answer him, but something inside me told me I'd be better off just telling him.

"Eighteen." I spoke in the same soft voice.

"Hm." He seemed to be thinking about something as he dragged me away. He didn't look at me, he kept mumbling things with a frown on his face. I couldn't really make out what he was saying.Not knowing what was going on was triggering my nervousness a lot. My eyes were glancing around the streets trying to find out if there were more people around us.

He kept dragging me.

"Sir whe-" Before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off. "I told you my name, use it." He stated. My breath hitched. "Sorry, it won't happen again. I was going to ask, where are we going?" My already soft voice turned even softer. I felt small next to him. I wasn't used to being nervous like this at all.

Rhett gave me a small nod. "You'll see.''

At this point, I was starting to feel scared too. I kept quiet as I walked with him through the misty cold streets. I couldn't see ahead very well.  I fiddled with my rings on my fingers on the hand that wasn't being gripped by the stronger man.

I used to imagine what I'd do in situations like these for fun when I was bored. They were so unlikely to happen. Yet it happened to me, on the night you'd least expect it. Who would've guessed that I'd get kidnapped going on a nice evening walk that I took to calm myself down?

Wait. Getting kidnapped?! The second I thought of it, it hit me. I was being dragged by a complete stranger, to an unknown place.

I tried thinking back on what I had thought of doing when this happened, but I couldn't recall anything. Sweat was starting to form on my forehead. I was considering asking him even more, but I didn't dare to. The feeling of dread was growing stronger in my chest. Was I really going with him without protest? Without a fight?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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