Behind you (Episode 2)

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■Scence 1 (M1, Sam, Billy)

M1: what do you want me to do?
S:kill them!
M1:may I ask the reason?
S:they know! They found the hidden newspapers!
M1:do the others know?
S:I haven't told them yet.
M1:how you found out about it?
S:well my employee saw them and as you know I have told him not to let anyone see the newspapers. So he came and told me this. So please kill these girls before they say it to anyone else!
M1:what if they have any other friends who know about this?
S:I don't know I will ask Billy. Until then just kill these girls.
M1:yes but if these 2 girls have other friends who know about this, I can't kill them.
S:and why's that?
M1:because if I kill the girls I will never be able to find their friends. I need to spy the girls and if I find out that there are and other people who know about the story I will kill them.
S:ok go now we don't have enough time. GO!
B: (hears everything)

■Scence 2 (Lisa, Max, Emma, Jane)

L:so what did you find girls?
E: me and Max we found some old newspapers hidden in the shelves of the library. They had the dates of the victim's disappearance.
M:and they were saying that a week later of the disappearance they were found dead in their houses.
E:what did you find girls?
J:same things but we also found something very interesting. In my blog we searched the names of the victims.
L:we found out that all the victims have a connection together, as siblings, cousins...
J:we realized that the serial killer picks his victim and when he is killing him he targets a member of the victim's family.
L:also it can be a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
J:but we found something terrible which is about you Emma.
E:I know, I can imagine what it can be. Since my brother is a victim and he is going to die soon if we don't find him, then I will be the next victim.
M:yes but your older sister Nancy can be the next victim.
L:she can't.
L:because she was a victim before Peter.
E:what? You are saying that my sister is dead?
M:guys there is and something else.
M:at the library we met a boy who was working there and he didn't allow us to see the newspapers. I think he knows their content. He might know about the serial killer.
E:no he doesn't. When you went to call the girls he came and we talked. He is just a worker who is following orders. He doesn't know the content and he said he is not that curious. His name is Billy by the way.
L:ok so if he follows orders and doesn't know anything about this that means his boss hides him the truth and he must know about the serial killer.
J:that's true we need to go to that Billy and ask him if we could see his manager.
M:I don't think so this is a good idea, it can be dangerous.
J:we'll see about this tomorrow after school. For now we need to go to our houses and study.
E:agree, see you tomorrow!
M, E, J, L:bye!

■Scence 3 (Billy, Emma)

(At Emma's house someone is knocking the door)
E:Billy what on earth are you doing here?
B:I came to warn you, can I come in?
E:well I can't now my parents will see you and they will think that I have a boyfriend.
B:well you never know I can be your boyfriend very soon!
E:oh shut up!
B:I am just saying the facts.
E:do you want to talk to me about love? If you want then get lost!
B:no Emma i have to talk you about the newspapers things. I made a huge mistake and I put your lives in danger.
E:our lives, whose?
B:yours and Max's
E:meet me tomorrow at Weasel Brook Park and don't be late!
B:I can't I work
E:I don't care just skip work!

■Scence 4 (Emma, Max)

E:hey Max i was wondering what if the serial killer attacks to my parents and not me?
M:Emma the serial killer targets only teenagers and adults who just became teenagers like your sister Nancy.
E:yh you're right also after school we will go at the park we were yesterday.
M:yh I know
E:Billy will be there too because he wants to warn us for something dangerous.
M:ok we need to tell the girls. Let's go.

■Scence 5 (Lisa, Jane, Max, Emma)

J:hi girlyss
E:girls Billy from the library will come later at the park, he wants to talk about something dangerous.
M:yh we will meet at the park after school
L:ok we will come

■Scence 6 (Lisa, Jane, Billy, Max, Emma)

B:where are they? I've been looking for them an hour!
E:Billy here
B:finally I found you
J:what took you so long?
B:I couldn't find you anywhere.
J:for real?
M:ok now all of you shut your mouth! Billy has something important to tell us, right?
B:yh right. Ok so after Emma and Max left I went to my boss and told him about you guys. Later that evening I heard him talking to a guy who was wearing black clothes and a mask. My boss told him to find Emma and Max and kill them because he doesn't want anyone to learn about these old newspapers and their content.
E:wait how does he knows our names?
B:he asked me if I knew your names and I told him yes. I even described you girls. He also has a picture of you girls from the cameras.
M:are you stupid or something? Why would you do that? And now he put a guy to kill us?
E:Billy how could you?
B:wait there are good news and bad news.
J:omg I wonder what else are we going to hear!
B:ok so basically the murderer and my boss Sam know about the content of the newspapers and don't want anyone else know about it. The murderer in the beginning agreed to kill you but then he said that if max and Emma have and other friends who know about the content, must be killed. And he said that if he kills you, he won't be able to find your friends and they will get away. That's why he decided to spy on you. When he finds out who knows the truth, he is going to kill you, all of you!
M:you literally put us in danger. We will die because of you! I knew I shouldn't trust you.
E:no wait max. Billy wanted to help I guess and still wants right?
B:yh of course. That's why I need you girls to tell me what happened that date.
L:yes but by the time we tell you what happened, you will be one of the people who know the truth.
J:and if Sam and the murderer find out that you also know the truth, they will kill you.
B:I don't care truly, just please explain to me everything.
L:ok so.

■Scence 7 (M1, Sam)

S:did you find the girls?
M1:I found Max's house
S:and what are you doing here, I told you to spy on her!
M1:don't worry sir I have put a man to spy on her. He is waiting for her to return from school.
S:ok, ok did he tell you if he saw her talking with other teens?
M1:no he started spying on her now. But don't worry he informs me for all Max's movements.
S:ok cool I don't need something else you can go. Don't forget to tell me if you learn something new.
M1:of course sir. Bye.

■Scence 8 (Lisa, Emma, Max, Billy, Jane)

L:so you understand now what happened?
J:Emma's life in danger and so does her brother's.
B:wow this is unbelievable! We need to find the serial killer.
M:about that I have an idea. Billy you can go and ask informations from your boss.
B:max I can't he won't tell me everything. He doesn't trust me, he thinks I will tell the story to someone else.
M:yh but you can tell him to trust you
L:yh but it will be weird.
M:what do you mean by saying weird?
L:I mean that Sam will be curious if Billy asks him something like that. Billy is just a worker in the library.
B:that's true. When I signed up to work in the library the first order he gave me was to never see the content of the newspapers and not to show them to anyone.
E:and how are we going to talk to him?
M:let's just go to him and kick his ass.
J:max...really now?
M:I just said my idea?
B:girls I think it would be better to find a solution quickly instead of arguing who is going to kick his ass.
E:Billy what if you spy him? You might find out if there are and other people who know about this.
B:yh but it could be dangerous. If Sam realise that I spy on him he could even kill me.
L:that's true we can't let Billy risk his life.
M:well he risked ours? He told Sam our names!
J:max he didn't want to...
B:it's ok I will take the risk. I believe I can do this.

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