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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader

Word Count: 21.5k

Warnings: Camping Jake, Cursing, Alcohol, Arguing, Pining, Angst, Severe Weather, Kissing, Graphic Sexual Content, Unprotected Sex, Fluff.

You watch as the familiar white Jeep pulls into your driveway, a cloud of dust filling the air as the car shifts into park. It's only seconds before Clara is bounding out of the passenger door, running up to meet you on your porch.

"Clara..." you say, a suspicious look on your face.

"Josh said he wanted to tag along since he's home...I couldn't say no! Don't be mad!" she whines nervously, knowing good and well this was supposed to be a girls weekend.

You squint your eyes at her and let out a faux huff of annoyance, "It's fine," you say, sending her a playful smile.

"Are you sure?" she asks, bending down to help you grab your camping supplies.

"Of course, Clara. I was just kidding around. You know I love Josh, and I know you hardly ever get to do stuff like this together. In fact, if you two want to just go, I can stay–"

"No way. You're absolutely coming! Don't start!" she shouts, slinging your duffle bag over her shoulder. "Let's get you loaded up and on the road."

The two of you spend the next few minutes organizing your things into the trunk, tetrising a few items until the trunk door would shut. You climb into the backseat, taking up residence next to the cooler packed with food for the weekend.

"Hi Y/N! Thanks for letting me crash your camping trip!" Josh says, turning around in the driver's seat to flash you a smile.

"Of course! I mean, if I knew that you were going to be home we could have planned like, a whole thing. It's really no big deal. The more the merrier!" you answer, feeling Clara's hand reach back to squeeze yours in thanks.

"Just a little break, only three weeks or so then we are back to it. Germany next," he says, wiggling his eyebrows at you in the rearview mirror.

You listen to him and Clara talk about the next leg of his tour, seeing the city start to taper off outside the car window. The trees are growing thick and the signs of humanity are next to none.

"So where exactly are we going on this camping adventure, Clara?" you laugh, never really discussing a location in your earlier planning.

"We're going out to Leiper's Fork, have you ever been there?" Josh answers.

"No, but I've heard of it!"

"Yeah, it's a super cool little spot. Super secluded and gorgeous this time of year. Been out here a few times," he says, letting his hand move to rest on Clara's thigh.

"How did you even find this? I feel like we are in the middle of nowhere!" you laugh, letting your eyes focus on the multicolored trees out the window.

"Oh this is Jake's spot. He's always out here. Likes to come out here to write," he pauses, turning to look at Clara. You can sense the nervous energy in his voice, "He's um, he's actually going to be joining us."


You feel a rush of panic wash over you. To say that your relationship with Jake was a bit rocky would be an understatement. You weren't sure if there was ever really one thing that started it, one thing that made him dislike you so much, it just kind of evolved into what it is. You always seemed to find yourself in the same room as him, at the same parties with him, and attending the same shows, thanks to Josh and Clara. Though, neither of you ever bothered to speak to each other, let alone acknowledge the other's existence. It turned into an unspoken feud, filled with harsh whispers and judgemental glances, letting Josh and Clara be the buffer between the two of you.

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