Chapter TWO:

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It was a quest!

Leaning in to get a closer look at it, Lucy narrowed her eyes. She then read it outloud:

"This quest is about helping a lady to get better. They are asking for Fairy Tail septically, and for, oh, Wendy Marvell the Sky Dragon Slayer!" She seemed shocked about the last part.

Natsu blinked at this, and put a hand on his hip: "Oh. Is that so?"

"You mean you didn't read it?" Lucy looked up at the pink haired boy, and sweatdropped.

Natsu did not feel like he had to answer that one.

But it didn't matter anyway, because hearing it from across the guild hall, Happy flew on over with a smile, and said to Lucy: "You know that Natsu doesn't read."

"I do too." Natsu pulled a face at this at his flying companion.

"We all know that you really don't." Happy argured back.

Natsu wasn't going to hold back though: "I do too!"

Lucy sighed at this; slumbering her shoulders. Here we go again.

But then the person in question walked up to them with a smile across her face: Wendy Marvell herself: "I heard you guys mentioning my name. What's up?"

Natsu and Happy stopped their bickering and looked at her blinking.

"Oh hey Wendy." Lucy smiled at her in return: "Yeah we were just talking about you. You see, Natsu had found this quest and it's asking for you."

"Me?" Pointing to herself, Wendy blinked and tilted her head in wonder.

Lucy nodded at this: "Mhmm." She confirmed.

"Can I have a look?"

Natsu was the one holding it, so he passed it on over to the young girl.

Wendy took it and read it carefully.

After she read it, she looked up with a smile across her face: "Yeah, ok, I can do this one."

"Are you sure?" Lucy blinked down at her at this.

"Of course!"

"Oh, then I'll come too." Lucy smiled at this then.

"Me three!" Natsu beamed.

"Four!" Happy threw up his arms also beaming.

Then walking up to them coming by to Wendy's feet was her feline companion: Carla.

She put her hands on her hips with her eyebrows furrowed: "Then I will come too. I don't want my girl Wendy to pick up the silly habits from both tomcat here and flamebreath there."

All 4 of them looked down at Carla.

"Carla." Wendy blinked.

Both Natsu and Lucy smiled down at her.

And Happy practically deflated: "Carla~"

"So, I guess that settles it." Lucy smiled at this.

"Then let's go!!" Natsu punched the air.

And off they went...


...So the 5 of them had headed out of the guild with the quest sheet, and were given a map too, to help them on the way.

But it shouldn't too hard since they would be taking the-


Natsu was absolutely devastated by the fact that they would be riding the train for most of their destination, and he immediately felt sick just by looking at the massive machine on wheels.

Happy moved so now he was hovering close to Natsu, as Lucy and Wendy with Carla was standing by their side and watching Natsu.

Lucy smiled at this nervously and sweatdropped as Wendy looked concerned for him.

Natsu then turned around and aimed to leave: "Yup! I'm walking there-"

But Lucy wasn't having it, as she launched forward and managed to grip onto his scarf and yank him back: "No Natsu you're staying!!"...

...When the train was ready to allow people to board on, Lucy and Wendy dragged Natsu onto the train with them whilst Happy and Carla flew in after them.

They found seats and bundled in.

Wendy sat with Happy and Carla and Lucy sat next to Natsu; who was slouch over trying not to vomit even though the train hadn't started moving yet.

Feeling sympathy for him, she smiled lightly and began rubbing Natsu's back.

"Sorry Natsu." Wendy said then: "I wish I could help, but I don't think my magic will work on you anymore."

"It's....fine...." Natsu mumbled and tried to sound upbeat for her, but his voice was quivering.

It wasn't convincing anyone.

"....Help me..."


No one.

Then the train began to move, and began Natsu's own personal hell...

...The train ride took about 4 and a half hours with nothing really eventful happening.

Lucy busied herself with writing, Carla watching a nodding of Wendy whilst Happy tried to chat her up, and with Natsu practically unconscious the whole way.

But soon they were finally at their destinated station, and they got off the train...with of course Lucy carrying Natsu off.

Then they had to lie him down on a bench until he woke up.

He did 20 minutes later, and they were off again to walk the rest of the 2 hours away to their client's house...

...They had reached a path after about an hour and 35 minutes, and it led the across a large field and up a mountain of grass.

After 20 minutes, they could make out a house at the top.

Natsu shielded his eyes from the sun to look and squinted his eyes in the progress: "Is that it?"

"I think so." Lucy studied the map.

"We'll fly ahead and check. Come on Carla!" Happy said and then flew on ahead with her.

Natsu, Lucy and Wendy followed them up anyway.

They reached the house after 5 minutes.

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