Chapter THREE:

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At the house now, the small group of the Fairy Tail members stood infront of the door and were looking up at the huge house; that actually wasn't a house but a manshion.

"Whoa." Natsu was the first to speak: "Nobody told me it was going to be a huge ass manshion."

"Aye..." Happy seemed intimidated by the hugeness of the buulding.

"It's quite impressive really." Carla said, and Wendy nodded with agreement with her: "Mhmm.'s almost intimidating..."

"Don't be scared, child."

"I know..."

Lucy was the only one not saying anything. I mean, she used to live in a place like this, so it really wasn't anything new to her. But it'll make her sound a bit pratty if she did say anything. So she just remained silent; looking at the manshion.

It was then a bit of a pause before anyone said anything again:

"Well don't just stand there all of you. One of you knock on the door or something." Carla frowned from down on the ground next to Wendy.

Everyone looked down at her.

Then Lucy squared her shoulders and hardened her face. She then moved forward and knocked on the door firmly.

Then silence as everyone stood there and waiting for anything to happen, or to hear anything at all.

Then soon the door could be heard opening from the inside, and then the door opened up and out calm an elderly woman about 3-4 foot tall.

The group members all looked down at this tiny woman in surprise and in wonder of who she was.

She blinked and then looked up at them with a confused look on her face; her eyes squinting as if looking into a bright light.

She seemed to stare at them for a godly amount of time, before she finallu spoke: "And who might you rude folks be, trespassing on this property like you own the damn place?"

Lucy decided to be the one speaking then; not wanting to leave it up to Natsu, Wendy, Happy or Carla...for now anyway.

So she started small and tried to smile but she just ended up looking nervous: "H-Hello miss...We are from the Fairy Tail guild, here for the request you asked for." She then took out the quest sheet and held it down for the old lady to see.

She looked at it squinting her eyes again like she was struggling to see. She then let out a huff and looked back up at Lucy: "And did you bring Wendy Marvell like I asked?"

Lucy pulled back the sheet, and was about to answer, but then Wendy stepped forward with a kind smile, and she nodded and spoke for herself: "Yes ma'am, that is me."

The old lady looked at Wendy, and then seemed to scoff: "Hmpth. Call me Miyagawa Mi. Or just Mi, I don't care."

"Okay then, Miss Mi."

She sighed once again.

Natsu then asked: "You are the one that asked for the quest right?" He had an eyebrow raised at this.

Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla all sighed at this.


All Mi did was nod. Then she stepped further inside and ushered the lot in: "Anyway, get your butts in here. We have work to do."

So they all moved inside and the door was closed behind them...

...The group were led around the inside of this mansion by Mi, until they reached a room where a girl was seen lying in bed on her back asleep.

They looked at her and had concern looks on their faces.

Mi walked further into the room now and ushered everyone in with a urgent wave of her hand: "Well don't just stand there gogging. Get in here." She spoke with a hush to her voice; as if not to wake up the girl.

The group obeyed and moved further in.

Then Mi looked directly at Wendy: "You Wendy, come over and check her over." She pointed at the young blue haired girl.

Wendy flinched at this caught by surprise. She pointed at herself and blinked. But then moved forward when Mi narrowed her eyes at her: "Y-Yes Ma'am, right away."

She approached the girl and looked down at her.

Carla had followed her on over and she climbed onto the bed at the edge and looked at her too.

Happy, Natsu and Lucy moved on closer so they could watch too.

Mi watched them all where she stood.

As Wendy glanced over the poor girl, Carla folded her arms and furrowed her eyebrows, before looking on over to Mi and speaking up to her: "Well, Miss Mi, we are more then happy to take care of this lady. But it would help if you actually told us what was wrong with her."

Mi looked down at the white exceed, before lowering her shoulders and sighing: "Well, I would tell you if only I knew what."

"Pardon me?"

"You see, I was out doing my rounds as normal until I came across this girl staggering along. She spotted me and we locked eyes. Next thing I knew, she passed out and fell to the ground. My poor self had to carry her all the way back home. My damn back, I tell ya!" She grumbled at the last part.

Carla seemed to regard this information carefully.

Wendy looked up and over to Mi: "Hmm, well maybe she just overwhelmed herself or something." She said: "She doesn't look hurt or anything. So maybe I could start off with an energy spell. Maybe she'll wake up from it, who knows."

Mi only grumbled in response, and taking that as a go ahead, Wendy turned back to the girl and started using her sky dragon slaying healing magic on the girl.

Everything and everyone was silent as Wendy concentrated.

After 3 minutes, she was done and breathed a sigh of relief: "All done. I guess now all we do is wait."

Carla hummed and nodded at this: "Hmm. Good job child." She told Wendy then, and Wendy smiled and nodded down at her.

"Once she wakes up, I'm giving her the earful of her life for ruining my back." Mi waved a fist then.

Lucy sweatdropped at this and only laughed nervously.

Then the girl's eyes fluttered open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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