Perspective Of: Lina

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You can't stop running.

You can't.

It will keep haunting you, eating away at your brain from what's real and fake, using illusions as setbacks to make you lose your trace. As you're deep in thought, you see a door at the end of the hallway that you're in. Your mind is convinced it is an illusion, a detour. But it's my only hope... You think as the entity chases you rapidly, its aqua-marine lights reflecting through the long corridor. You run as fast as you can to the door, your heartbeat increasing rapidly through your panted breath, the entity chasing you, not wanting to give up that easily. You feel as if the corridor will never end when your warm hand makes contact with the smooth and cold doorknob. You turn it as fast as you can and collide to the floor with a painful THUMP. The entity stares at you for a few seconds, probably annoyed that you got away from it, when you hear the door slam. You want to check if the door really is closed, but your body feels limp. Your energy has disappeared from how fast you ran, the amount of power you used to get away from the entity drained you. You want to process what just happened, but your brain is scrambled from the experience. The only thing you can do now is just lay there in vulnerability, hoping nothing bad comes for you anymore...

5 minutes later...

"Lina, please wake up..."

You don't know how long you have rested for, but you are awakened by someone calling your name. Whoever it is, they sound familiar, but why?

"Lina, please don't be dead..."

Wait, you recognize that voice. It's Alan. He's trying to see if you're alive or not, but you can't really do anything since how much energy has drained from you. "I'm here, Alan..." You weakly mumble to him. Alan quickly hugs you in relief, quietly whispering "You're alive..." to himself. You weakly lift your arm and hug him back, being comforted by his presence. "Why are you here?.." You weakly ask him. "Well..." Alan hesitates for a moment before sitting up to explain. "..In that long corridor, that entity gave me an illusion. I don't want to explain what illusion it was, but it wasn't a pleasant one.." He says, looking as if the experience came back to his memories. You lay there in silence, your eyes opened weakly. You want to ask him what his illusion was, but he seemed a bit shaken up from it, so you decide not to ask him about it. "..What illusion did the entity give you? I-If you don't mind me asking." Alan asks a bit nervously. You decide to tell him since it would probably get the weird sensation off your chest. "...It gave the worst illusion you could ask for.. It was about how you and Hyojin abando-" wait, where is Hyojin? "Where's Hyojin?" You ask, panic and fear filling your voice as you sit up... a bit too fast. You get badly lightheaded, your arms start wobbling, and you fall to the floor with a painful cry. The pain ricochets off your back like nothing before. "W-Woah, slow down!" Alan says worriedly. "Don't get up so fast, you're still recovering from the illusion in the hallway!" He says, his eyes filled with worry. "But..Hyojin.." You say weakly, your back still in pain. "She'll survive, I know it." He says, determination filling his eyes now instead of worry. You want to disagree with that, but you're in too much pain to even argue. As you weakly open your eyes, you see that cow and the little blue light are next to you. You try to ask Alan how long they've been here, but the pain in your body prevents you from doing that, feeling as if your mouth was chained up. Alan sees your eyes looking at them and thankfully responds to your non-verbal question. "Oh-uh, They've been here since I was trying to wake you up." You slowly sit up, trying not to accidentally fall again. Alan carefully watches you, hoping that you don't fall again. You succeed in sitting up, but your hands start wobbling a bit. You're about to almost collapse to the floor again when Cow quickly catches you. You sigh in relief. You were convinced you were about to fall to the floor again. Cow lets you lean on him, being careful not to hurt you. There is an awkward silence between you, Cow, Alan, and the little blue light for a while when you suddenly get a feeling that something (or someone) was teleported here. You look to your right and see none other than Hyojin standing in the room, looking confused on why she's here.

Very inspiring, yes yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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