19| That's a Mouse 🌶️

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Mandakini POV

He was seated on the couch, comfortably, meanwhile I was sitting on my knees before him. My heartbeats were dashing as a horse. He had already unbuckled his belt, and was now removing the pants.

The moment he undid his boxers, adjusting them at his mid-thigh, my risque gaze fell on his erection, the long and thick one. I gulped, realising the inevitability of the events that were about to take place.

My gaze started flickering here and there, and I felt his rough yet soothing hands, cupping my cheeks, caressing them gently.

"You don't have to be scared, Priye!"

I managed to lift my timid gaze to his face. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach already. Even after being with him for so many times, in so many different ways, I still felt distinct this time.

The thought of him, watching me, doing all this to him, was giving me a shudder.

"What if I....umm..... can't do it properly?"

I inquired, hesitation discernible in my voice, and my gaze came back to his erected manhood.

"Don't worry, babygirl. If I find you getting uncomfortable, I won't let you continue this. It's just like, trying out new things, as husband and wife. There is nothing to feel nervous about, at least not when I'm with you."

He mumbled, leaning forward to me, and pecking my forehead.

I smiled, realising how understanding my husband is.

"What do I do now?" I asked, biting on my lower lip, and acting a little naive.

"Stroke it first, spit on it, then lick it before you actually suck it."

He instructed, and I gulped, while my trembling hands touched his length. It was hard, but the touch was smooth.

He inhaled sharply, the moment I touched it, and ran my fingers around it. I felt a little confident, looking at his response. I curled my fingers around it, making a grip, and started stroking it, at a slow pace.

His breath became audible, and his eyes closed, with his head bending backwards. His Adam's apple moved when he gulped, and I felt like sucking on it, so I straightened myself, while my hands continued its job, and I placed my lips on his neck, holding his Adam's apple between my lips.

He opened his eyes, and fisted his hand on the back of my head, pulling it in a way that our faces came before each other. He slammed his lips on mine, and sucked on them harshly. He plunged his tongue inside my mouth, and I increased the pace of my hands, fondling his length severely.

His free hand sheathed around my waist, to balance me. He explored my mouth, making me run out of breath. I moaned in his mouth, and he left my hair, and pulled his tongue out.

I panted, and came back on my knees, still rubbing his manhood. I saw the precum oozing out of it.

"Lick it!" He commanded, and his tone had suddenly turned dominating and hoarse.

I licked on my lips, and took my mouth closer to his length. Bringing my tongue out, I licked it. It felt warm, and a little salty, and had a thick texture, like that of melted cheese.

He groaned, as I spat on it. Using my palms, I spread my saliva all over his length.

"Haahhhhh!" His breath turned heavier, and I could feel that he was loving it.

"Say my name, Raj!" I muttered, as I was about to lick his length.

"Aaargh..... Mandakiniii!" His voice had turned hotter, and sexier, at this moment. I touched the tip of my tongue to his length, and slurped it, from top to bottom, and encircled it with my tongue. I brought my face back, and found him gawking at me. I traced my lower lip with my thumb seductively, and plunged it inside my mouth, to clean it off completely; all the while, we didn't break the intense eye contact.

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