Chapter:55(Mission parents)

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Author: I made Dongwook and In na end up pretty easily because the story is getting too long so please understand. I don't want this to feel very boring so I'm not stretching it much. I already lost many readers because this story is too long. I hope you all will understand me. If you don't like this way I am really sorry 🙏.

In the story:

Baekhyun: Well, from all the knowledge I have gained from watching 208 kdramas, I can tell the first step is jealousy.

Chanyeol with a shocked face: What?!! How many kdramas?!!

Baekhyun: I've completed 208 kdramas and I'm watching my 209th kdrama now.

Sehun: No wonder you were such a bad student. When did you get the time to study?

Baekhyun whined: I wasn't that bad Sehun!!!

Sehun: Yeah yeah! I still remember your situation...


Chanyeol: You two kids shush! Let's talk about work.

Baekhyun: Yeah as I was saying, we need to create jealousy. We need to know people close to them. We need someone's help.

Chanyeol: I don't know that much, I don't think mom cares about anyone else aside from Taemin. She loves Taemin a lot!

Sehun with an extremely sad face: Loves Taemin?! Does she want to marry him? She already wants to leave Dad and marry Taemin?

Chanyeol: Marry Taemin? Do you even know him?

Baekhyun: Taemin..Do you mean Lee Taemin from SHINee?

Chanyeol: Yeah I'm talking about him.

Sehun: What's SHINee?

Chanyeol and Baekhyun: YOU DON'T KNOW SHINee?!!

Chanyeol: You've been living under a rock. SHINee is a very famous kpop group.

Sehun: Who told you to bring a guy from kpop in such an important matter? This won't bring jealousy. He's a celebrity.

Baekhyun: Shut up!! I have an idea.

Both brothers: What is it?

Baekhyun: Most people would know who Taemin is, probably including Sehun's father. But what most don't know his name with surname.We can say Lee Taemin. We can try to use this name for jealousy.

Chanyeol: Not bad. I guess it could work.

Sehun: Yeah, I guess dad has very less idea about Kpop. He is always busy with his work.

Baekhyun: And what about your dad Sehun? Who is he close with?

Sehun: Well I don't know also that much but I know one of his closest friends is Ms Bo ah. Dad jokes around with her and flirts as well but I don't know more than that.

Chanyeol with an angry tone: He flirts with his friends?!! How dare he?!! If he betrays my mom I swear I'll get her married to a man 1000× better.

Baekhyun facepalmed: I can't deal with you guys. You act like kids. If they had to leave each other they would've done it ages ago. They still haven't divorced and they didn't want to marry anyone else so they still love each other. To make the plan successful, we need to talk to Ms Bo ah secretly. And Sehun we need your help for that.

Sehun: Ok, I'll get the info and try my best to meet her.

Baekhyun: Chanyeol, I will tell you what do you have to do later.

Chanyeol: Ok.

They put their hands on the other's.

Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun: Mission Parents together, Start!! Hwaiting!!

Confused In Love ( Chanbaek/Sebaek/ Chansoo) FFWhere stories live. Discover now