Ep 1: gangs and alliances

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( I hope you guys enjoy this if you see any mistakes like spelling or grammar please feel free comment them and I will change it Thanks! :) I have tried my best with it)

31st of August first day of school uh

Tony sits in his desk chair and spins to the camera "Y/n has trouble getting up in the mornings, so I help her out by waking her up because, not even Friday can wake her. well, it's not waking her that's the problem it's more, getting her out of bed. phase one starts with going in and telling her to wake up which she replies I aM aWaKe! but never believe sleepy y/n she is not awake. phase two, AC/DC full blast, it wakes everyone but her, she will yell at me and go right back to sleep so, phase 3, I then ask Friday to turn the lights on and she just covers her eyes but she is more awake, and the last phase is the spray bottle and if spraying it doesn't work don't worry the lid screws right off, and there she is, up and awake!"
*interview over*

"pIsS oFf DaD uH!" y/n yells covering her eyes from the bright lights to go back to sleep.

"who speaks to their dad like that my gosh" Tony says pretending to be hurt.

"ok sorry but like I'm trying to sleep, if I woke u like that u would say worse things" you say rolling your eyes as you gets up and stretch

"too bad I'm the adult, now go get changed u have school." Tony says leaving and shutting the bedroom door.

"UHHHH" you sigh as he leaves.

"Friday open the blinds, "you ask, Friday opens the blinds and u admire the view of Central Park for a second and then go into the two-story walk-in closet and pic ur outfit.

"Friday open the blinds, "you ask, Friday opens the blinds and u admire the view of Central Park for a second and then go into the two-story walk-in closet and pic ur outfit

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(if u don't like the outfit that's alg it can be something else too!)

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(if u don't like the outfit that's alg it can be something else too!)

you walk out of your bedroom and down the glass staircase to the common area and through to the kitchen

"Morning guys," you say to the crowd everyone mutters a hi back.

Nat was sitting drinking coffee with Tony at the stools bucky is sitting on the couch reading the paper
(that they for some reason still make)

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